Chapter 16

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***Serena's POV

"Serena. Serena, wake up."

I slowly open my eyes.

Misty is standing next to me, smiling. She has bags under her eyes, and they're a bit red, but other than that she seems like her normal self.

"W-what time is it?" I ask as I sit up and stretch.

"It's morning. You fell asleep here, and I'm wondering if you wanted to come eat breakfast."

I look over at Jason. He's still asleep. I'm sure he'll be fine by himself for a bit.

"Sure, I'll come! But where did Sarah go?"

"I'm not sure. But she said she would be back."


I follow Misty out the room and I slowly close the door, sneaking one last look at Jason.


We join May at a table in the hopistal's cafeteria. She ignores me.

We silently eat our food.

"Misty, what happened after we left?" I ask, shoving food into my mouth.

Misty puts down her glass of water.

"We tried to get Maximum, but he managed to get away. But we did take down his assistant, and she's in jail right now, where I will interrogate her."

"Did you contact any of the other gyms?" May asks.

"I did actually." Misty says, letting out a big sigh.

"Lieutenant Surge got hit yesterday. He was found dead in his gym. The Pengen all gone. All the other gym leaders haven't been attacked yet, and are debating whether if we should all get together with the Pengen, and guard it all at one place. We haven't voted on it yet, but we have to soon, otherwise someone else may end up dead."

Another gym leader dead?

What is Ash doing?

"Did they find anything that may help to find out who's Lieutenant Surge's killer is?" I ask.

"Yes. We found out that Surge had taken a lot of electrical damage. The studies done on his body shows that his body couldn't take it and gave out. Also, we found small footprints that fit to a Pikachu."

My face goes pale.

"There's no way Ash could've done it," May says, putting down her fork.

"You know, there's no order to collect the badges. You can start from anywhere and move however you like. But this is the order-"

"That Ash followed, isn't it?" I finish Misty's sentence.

May looks at the ground silently.

"We can use this to our advantage. We can predict where Ash is going to be next, and we'll have the chance to talk to him! We'll figure everything out, and we'll prove that Ash has nothing to do with it," I say, grabbing my glass of orange juice.

"Well, you guys will. I won't," Misty says. I stop drinking and look at her.


"I need to go to Pewter City. I need to pay my respects to Brock. And I'm a gym leader, so I have to take care of my city," Misty says in a melancholy tone.

May and I sit silenty.

What can I say to make this better?

"Are you guys here for Jason Pinedo?"

I look over my shoulder and a nurse is looking at us.

"Jason just woke up, and he's asking for his friends."

"Really? Thanks a lot nurse!"

We all get up and make our way up to his room. As we approach the room, we hear yelling.

"This isn't going to solve anything! I hope you know that!" A female voice yells.

"That sounds like Sarah," May says.

We hear something hit the ground hard, and Sarah lets out a scream.

We rush in, and we see Sarah on the bed, Gastrodon on her stomach. The window is wide up, and Jason is no where to be seen.

"Are you ok Sarah?" Misty asks, rushing towards her. I stand there, trying to connect the dots.

"No, I'm not. Jason just took off!" Sarah returns Gastrodon, and we look out the window. I see Charizard's tail flame in the distance.

"We gotta go after him!" I yell, reaching for May.

"Let's go!"

"Don't worry dear, I know exactly where he's going," Sarah says nonchalantly, sitting back down on the bed.

"Where? And why did he leave in the first place?" I ask, staring Sarah down. She ignores me and gracefully falls back on the bed.

"It'll be fine. We'll leave after him in a couple hours."

"What? No! We need to leave now! If not after Jason, we need to go to the next gym to avoid another situation like this!" May exclaims, punching a wall.

Sarah rolls her head over to May, sighing.

"I don't know if you realize this, but you need Jason. He's the only Pokemon trainer with some serious Pokemon Battling experience. Miss Princess of Hoenn, you may put up a fight, but these people are dangerous. Jason will give both of you an equal fighting ground."

"What about you? What can you do?" I ask. Sarah rolls her head.

"I can perform and battle. But who said I was going with you? I have other things, like get Jason, to do. So if I were you, I would wait."

She closes her eyes and goes to sleep.

May looks like she's about to explode.

I'm just worried. For both Ash, and Jason.

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