Chapter 12

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***Serena's POV

Someone knocks on the door.

I slowly wake up and gasp.

All the medical supplies, waste, and bloody clothes from last night are gone. May is on her bed, asleep while Jason is no where to be seen.

Someone knocks on the door again.

I groan as I get off the floor and open the door.

"Hello! I'm here to return Blaziken back! He's in tip top shape!" Nurse Joy yelps as she hands me the pokeball.

I smile.

"Thanks Nurse Joy."

I close the door. When I turn around, May is sitting up on the bed, rubbing her eyes.

"Here's Blaziken," I say, handing her the pokeball. I let out a soft yawn.

"Thanks," she says as she clips it on her belt. May stretches her arms out, yawning. Before I can ask her about last night, she stops, and points.

"What are those?" May asks, pointing to a far corner of the room. There, there's two different bags, with cards attached to them.

"I don't know," I answer, going over to pick them up. They're paper bags with white handles, one is pink and the other red. On the pink one, the card reads Serena, while the card on the red one reads May.

"This one is for you," I say, handing her bag to her.

I open my bag with caution and slowly dig through it. I feel cloth. I pull it out and it's a skirt! I dig in again and I pull a sleeveless top, and grey long socks. At the bottom of the bag there's another card.

Thank you for helping me, especially after what I did. Or more like what I didn't do.


"Serena, look!"

I see May holding up a pair of leggings, with a green undershirt and a red jacket, similar to her orange one. Her's also came with a new red bandana.

"That's so cute!"

I notice a separate card on her bed.

"May, did you have a second card?"

"Yeah, why?"

"What did it say?"

She reaches for it.

"I hope this lightens up your mood a bit. From Jason"


I change my focus to my new clothes. The top has grey outlines, a curvy design near the edge of the neck. The skirt is a baby blue. It comes with a grey cardigan.

Jason has a good taste in fashion.


We scan the room before we walk out the door, wearing out new outfits. I gently pat my backpack, where Ash's hat is.

We walk out the front door of the Pokemon Center, where we find Jason leaning against a tree, with Pichu at his side. He's wearing a light blue shirt with grey long sleeves. He wears jeans, and he has his hair combed and gelled to the right side.

I like this change.

"Whoa. Why so presentable?"
May asks.

"I needed to hide my wounds, so it won't bring unwanted attention," he explains. Pichu climbs up the tree.

"Besides, I like to change it up a bit once in a while."

"What wounds do you even have?" May asks.

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