Chapter Fourty Seven

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Callum's POV

Every word that came out of Detective Clarke's mouth rattled me to my core.

"The car that Dylan was found in was registered to a Bryan Kim."

"Mr Kim was found locked in your family's wine cellar."

"We believe Miss Gold was held there by the Kim's."

"We have yet to apprehend Kelly Kim, but we are still looking."

Dylan had been in reach this entire time. Kelly took her because of me, and she'd been at the cabin all along. This was all my fault.

"Can we see her?" My mom asked, her eyes pleading with him. She was visibly shaking, and I understood how she was feeling. She saw Dylan as her daughter.

He nodded. "She is now allowed to have visitors. We will keep an officer outside of her door for the duration of her time in the hospital for security purposes."

I'd been looking for her for close to a month, and now I could finally see her. The way Justin described her appearance to me made me ill, but I wanted to see for myself. I needed to know that she was okay, but how could I look at her knowing that her pain was caused by me.

Before I could say or do anything, my mom and Dylan's father, Steven, rushed to her door.

"Detective." I said, looking at him. "Kelly Kim is in San Diego. I followed her there. She is at her mothers house."

He quickly wrote down the address, and pulled out his phone.

"I am alerting the San Diego police now. We will get her Mr Gage, I am sure of that." He took off without another word, his cellphone glued to his ear.

I stared at the door of the room that she was in, but I couldn't move.

As the detective walked down the hall, the elevator opened, Justin walking out.

He looked at me, his eyebrows raised. "You see her yet?"

I shook my head, crossing my arms. "My mom and Steve are in there with her right now."

"Okay, so why aren't you?"

I looked down at my shoes, unable to meet his gaze.

"I can't." I muttered.

"The hell do you mean you can't? After everything you did to find her and you're not even gonna see her?!"

"That's just it." I said, looking up angrily. "I didn't find her. If I would've used my fucking brain I could've figured out where they were keeping her."

"Tell me everything." He said.

We sat down in the waiting area as I unloaded everything I knew about what happened to Dylan.  I couldn't stop crying, I felt so stupid.

"How could you have known where she was? Get that shit out of your head Callum. You knew it was the Kim's and you led the police to your ex. There's nothing else you can do but be there for Dylan now. She deserves nothing less, so get your ass up and walk into that room." He ranted.

I nodded, my head still down. He was right. No matter what I was feeling, I still needed to be there for her.

I never thought in a million years that I'd be sitting down, pouring my heart out to Justin, but here we were.

I stood up and began walking towards her room.

"Name?" The officer guarding her door asked once I approached.

"Callum Gage."

He nodded, cocking his head towards the door.

Opening the door, I could hear my mom crying. Slowly opening the curtain, I saw Steve and my mom standing over an unconscious, very bruised Dylan.

I cleared my throat, causing both of them to look up at me.

"Oh baby." My mom cried. She walked up to me, wrapping her arms around my waist and burying her face in my shirt.

Steve's eyes were blood-shot red, and he shook his head looking from Dylan to myself.

"Can you take her out of here?" I asked him, as she continued to sob.

"Of course. C'mon Darcy." He said, pulling her away from me. "We can go see the baby." He whispered to her.

"Okay." She sniffled. She looked at me before walking out and said, "She'll be alright Cal."

I just looked at her, not knowing what to say. The two of them walked out of the room, leaving me alone with Dylan.

I slowly walked towards her, my eyes not leaving her face. Her bruised cheekbones were protruding from the lack of food. Her lips that I'd kissed a thousand times before were now dry and cracked. Dylan's caramel complexion was incredibly pale from the clear lack of sun. Her hair was lifeless, instead of the vibrant curls that she once had.

There was a lump in my throat as I held back a sob. Stray tears fell from my eyes and landed on her face. I softly wiped them off, savoring the touch of her skin because I hadn't been able to touch her in so long.

"Merry Christmas, Sugarplum. I love you so much." I whispered to her as I ran my fingers through her tossled hair.

I pulled out my chapstick from my back pocket, and carefully ran it over her lips.

"You didn't deserve this Dyl, I wish it had been me instead." I cried, laying my head in the crook of her neck.

"This was all my fault. I'm so sorry Dylan." I sobbed.


Dylan's POV

I could hear him, every word. I could even smell him, and he smelled like Callum. A scent that I craved, even dreamt about while living through hell.

I could feel the stubble from his facial hair against my skin as he cried. I wanted so badly to reach out and touch him, comfort him, but my body wasn't allowing me to.

"This was all my fault. I'm so sorry Dylan." He cried.

He needed to know that I didn't blame him. Nothing that happened to me was his fault.

Callum blaming himself for what happened didn't sit well with me.

I'd thought I was at peace before, but I suddenly realized that I only truly felt at peace when I was with him.

I needed to be here for him. I need to wake up.

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