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6 months later

"So do you wanna grab lunch after your class? I don't have class until 2:30."

"I have a meeting with my advisor at 1 so it'll have to be after that." I said, double checking my schedule on my phone.

"Okay great, that works. Text me okay, and good luck on your first day."

"Thanks Davia I will, and good luck to you too." I replied, waving goodbye to roommate.

Still having fifteen minutes before my first class started, I took my time walking to the english building so that I could really take in the campus.

Students were spread throughout the quad, some reading, some talking, and a few people napping. As I looked around, it was clear to me that I was no longer in Montecito and surrounded by people that didn't look like me. Though it was only my first day, this felt like a place that I could actually thrive in.

"Hey, you lost?" Someone said from behind me.

I turned around, and was met at eye level with a man. He had the same caramel complexion as me, the same curly hair except his was darker and pulled into a bun, and he had the prettiest gray eyes.

"No," I smiled, "Just taking it all in."

He nodded, "I get it, it's a lot. Are you a freshman?"

"I am, I actually have to get going. I'm going to be late for my first class." I said, checking the time.

"Where are you going? I can lead the way." He replied.

"The english building, and it's alright, I can find it on my own." I said politely.

"It's no problem really. Who am I not to help a gorgeous girl out. You're basically my twin but that's besides the point." He laughed.

"We do kind of look alike, huh?" I laughed.

"We really do." He nodded. "I'm Ezekiel by the way, but most people call me Zeke."

"It's a nice offer Zeke, really, but I'm not interested. I'm with someone."

He laughed loudly, startling me.

"I am so very gay, but if I wasn't, the female version of myself would be just my type." He grinned.

My face felt warm as I laughed, embarrassed that I completely misread this encounter.

"And by the look of your ring finger, it's pretty obvious that you are taken."

I looked down at my hand and smiled. "Yes, I am. And since I know you're not hitting on me, lead the way."

We both laughed as we walked towards the english building.

"Make sure you text me later. Some of my friends are having a back to school get together tonight off campus. You have to be there." Zeke said, as we stood outside of my english class.

"I will, I will, I need to go in. I promise I'll text you. I want to make sure I get a good seat." I said, peering into the classroom.

"Perk up, you're a Harvard girl now. No need to be nervous. Good luck, Dylan."

"Thank you Zeke. I'll see you tonight." I said, exhaling nervously and taking a step into the classroom.

I made it a point to sit in the center of the lecture hall, something I would have never done in high school. I pulled my laptop, my binder, and a pen just to be extra prepared.

As the professor began writing her name on the board, the entire room began whispering, quite obviously. I looked around to see what the fuss was about, when a guy wearing sunglasses came walking down my row, and sat in the seat beside me.

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