Chapter Fourteen

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Dylan's father.. Steven Gold at the bottom

"Seven.. eight.. nine.. TEN! You both better have a really good hiding spot because I'm coming!" I yelled, laughingly.

Callum and I were babysitting Sara while his parents were at work, and she decided that we should play a game of hide and seek. She task me to be the seeker, while her and Callum hid.

I looked around the living room, and it was empty. I quietly walked toward Sara's room and could already hear giggling.

"I have a feeling that my best friend is somewhere in this room." I said, fully knowing that Sara was hiding under her bed.

She continued to giggle, her laugh getting louder and louder.

"Hmm I wonder where she could be." I ripped open the closet door. "Interesting.. Sara isn't in the closet, but she's definitely in this room. I just have to figure out where." I paced up and down the room, and at this point she was cackling. I got down on my hands and knees and crawled towards the bottom of the bed.

"Found you!" I yelled, pulling the covers up and revealing Sara. We both got up, laughing.

"How did you find me?" She asked, innocently.

"I'm just that good." I shrugged., my eyes filled with amusement. "C'mon, we have to find Callum now." I said, grabbing her hand.

"I know all of his hiding spots, we'll find him in no time." Sara exclaimed.

She was right, not even five minutes later, we found Callum hiding in the pantry in the kitchen.

After playing a bunch of games for a few hours, we all decided to sit in the living room to watch a movie. Sara chose Tangled, which was also one of my favorites. Her and I sang all of the songs together, while Callum whined that we were ruining the movie. After a little while, everyone started to get hungry.

"Do you guys want me to order pizza or something?" Callum asked Sara and I, pausing the movie.

"No, we always have pizza, I want something different!" Sara demanded.

Callum looked at me, shaking his head. Sara could be a handful sometimes, but I couldn't get enough of her.

"What if I cooked something? What would you like Sara?" I asked, hoping to defuse the situation.

"Umm... macaroni and cheese!" She yelled with excitement.

"Alright, mac and cheese it is." I said, smiling down at her.

"You don't have to cook anything Dylan, we can order in." Callum said.

"Don't listen to him Dylan, he can eat pizza by himself." Sara said.

I laughed and responded, "No, it's alright. I like cooking anyway."

He smiled at me, leaning over to peck my lips.

"Ew, don't kiss my best friend!" Sara yelled, covering her eyes with both of her hands.

I laughed, and looked at him amused. "Yea, don't kiss her best friend." I said, getting up and heading to the kitchen.


I made the macaroni and cheese from scratch, thankful that they had all of the ingredients to make it. The three of us went back in the living room to eat and finish the movie.

"Dylan, that was the best mac and cheese ever." Sara said quietly, her eyes barely opened.

"Thank you, Sara." I turned to Callum. "Want me to carry her to bed?" I asked, her eyes now completely closed.

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