Chapter Fifty Two

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6 weeks later

"Wow." I said, staring at myself in the mirror. My long, dark curls were now shoulder length and honey brown, with blonde highlights. I looked completely different, which was exactly what I was going for.

"You like?" My hairstylist, Monica said as she added volume to my hair with her fingers.

"I love, thank you so much!" I grinned at her in the mirror.

"Of course my love, and it's on the house."

"What?" I said turning around to look at her face to face.

"All I ask is that you post a picture of your new look on instagram and tag the salon." She said.

"Done and done." I said to her. I guess the whole instagram thing had some perks.

I left the salon feeling great. I was finally out of the hospital, and my first day back at school was tomorrow. I was a bit anxious, but overall I was excited to gain some sense of normalcy again.

As I drove home with my sun roof down, the sun shining down on me, and the wind blowing through my new hairdo, I started to feel like everything was looking up for me. All the trauma and pain that I endured was behind me, and I now intended on living my best life.

I pulled into my driveway, parking beside my grandparents rental car. They were leaving today, after being here for three and a half months. My kidnapping had brought us closer together. My grandfather whom hadn't hugged me as long as I'd known him, hugged me almost every day now. His usual temperament and stoic nature was still the same, but he seemed to have a soft spot for me now.

My grandmother, while still neurotic and controlling, did everything for me out of love, regardless of how annoying it was at times. Being around her every made me feel like I actually had a mother again.

The best part of them being around was the fact that Eliza's torment ceased. She was greatly intimidated by my grandparents, and I hadn't heard an unkind word from her since I left the hospital. Mel however continued with her small digs and jabs, but her mother wasn't around to co-sign and escalate the situation.

As I walked into the house, I immediately found my father, grandparents, and my new baby brother Spencer in the living room. My grandmother was rocking Spencer in her arms, as he attempted to grab one of her earrings. Four large suitcases sat beside the couch, indicating that they were on their way to the airport.

"Hey everyone, I'm back." I smiled, walking into the room.

My family turned to me, their faces immediately surprised.

"Dylan what have you done to yourself."

"Oh Dylan you look stunning."

My father and grandmother said simultaneously.

I rolled my eyes at my father's comment, ignoring him. "Thank you Grandma, I thought it was time for a change."

"I think you should change it back." My father said.

As we drove with my grandparents to the airport, my father continued to complain about my hair. I simply explained to him that I was adult enough to decide what I wanted to do with my body, that included my hair.

I said my tearful goodbyes to Helena and Richard Gold, promising to visit them at their home in Martha's Vineyard this summer. My grandmother sobbed, not wanting to leave. And my grandfather held me so tight, I thought he'd crack a rib.

My father went to return their rental, while I sat in his car waiting for him. I scrolled through social media, and saw the reactions of 
the thousands of strangers that loved my new hair style. My messages were flooded with men expressing their interest in me, which made me laugh. My scrolling was interrupted when my cellphone began to ring.

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