Chapter Thirty Two

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I combed through the crowd of people spread throughout Amy's house looking for a less populated spot to wait for Callum. I walked into the kitchen, quickly scanning the room, but only saw people I didnt know. I texted Callum, letting him know that I was in the kitchen and to meet me here when he arrived.

I grabbed a vanilla cupcake off of the island and dipped my finger in the buttercream frosting and licked it off.

"Are those any good? I don't wanna risk the calories if they're not." Someone said from behind me. I turned around startled, but looking around, I didn't see anyone.

"Down here." The voice said.

I looked down and met the eyes of a girl that had to be around five feet tall. She had beautiful mocha skin and light brown eyes. She had cat-like makeup on, and black kitten ears sat on her curly afro.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you." I smiled, embarrassed.

"Makes sense, we're on the opposite sides of the female height spectrum." She laughed. "So the cupcake? Is it good?" She asked again.

"Oh, yea, it's delicious." I said looking down at the cupcake. I stepped aside so she could grab one, and sat on a stool. She sat beside me while examining her cupcake.

"Honestly," she said, looking up at me. "I came over to talk to you because out of all the people here, you are the only other black girl that seems to be at this party."

I nodded. "Yea, I noticed that too. This isn't a very diverse crowd. Reminds me of school." I cringed. "I'm Dylan, by the way."

"Vanessa Monroe, but you can call me Nessa." She replied with a smile. "I came here with my cousin, but he ditched me the minute he met a girl." She laughed.

Her last name 'Monroe' sounded vaguely familiar to me as I raked my brain trying to figure out where I'd heard it before.

"Well then it's a good thing we met, we can keep each others company. Do you go to school around here?"

"I'm a sophomore at USC, what about you?" She asked.

"Sadly still in highschool, I go to Glendale with Amy, do you know her?"

She shook her head. "Is that whose party this is? I never know, I just show up when I hear free alcohol." She laughed.

I giggled, swallowing a bite of my cupcake. "Yea, apparently this is an every year thing. Too many people for my liking."

"Antisocial, huh?"

"I guess you could say that, I never had the opportunity to be very social." I shrugged.

Before she could respond, a tall, buff, darkskin man dressed as pirate came over and put his arm over her shoulder. He had high cheek bones and a well defined jawline. He looked at me as if he was examining every feature of my face, and smiled.

"Who's your friend, Nessa?" He asked, staring straight at me.

"This is Dylan, Dylan this is my cousin, Marcus."

"Nice to meet you Marcus, Dylan Gold." I said, holding my hand out to shake his.

His eyes widened for a split second before he reached out and shook my hand. His firm grip reminded me that me wrist was still bruised underneath the concealer.

"Gold, is it?" His eyebrows raised.

"Mhmm." I hummed.

An unreadable look appeared on his face. "It is nice to meet you Dylan Gold, but my cousin and I have to get going." He said.

Nessa looked up at him, confused. "But we just got here." She whined.

"Yup, and we have to go." He responded, giving her a stern look.

"Ugh." She groaned as she hopped off the stool. "Sorry we couldn't hang out longer, apparently a stick has been lodged up my cousins ass."

I tried to hold back laughter as I nodded to her. "It's okay, I'm sure we'll see eachother again."

"Let's trade numbers! If you'd like?" She said, with a hopeful gaze.

"Of course." I smiled, and traded phones with her and saved myself as a contact. Her cousin stood awkwardly beside us with a pained look on his face as we gave back each others phones.

"I'll text you, we can get lunch or something."

"I'd love that." I said, waving goodbye as Nessa and Marcus departed. I found it odd how quickly they left, but chose not to dwell on it when strong arms wrapped around my waist. I leaned back into his chest and inhaled his woodsy scent.

"I've missed you." I said.

"I missed you too sugarplum, how was work?" He asked, swiftly turning me around to face him. His mouth dropped, and his eyes widened. "Wow, you look amazing Dyl."

"Thank you," I said, pecking him on the lips. "Work was okay. No costume?" I asked, wanting to change the subject.

"Definitely not, your costume is more than enough for the both of us." He grinned.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips against his. He instantly deepened the kiss, slowly slipping his tounge into my mouth. I grabbed the back of his head, kissing him as intensely as he kissed me. The music that played and the voices that surrounded us were drowned out by our intensity. Our tounges wrestled each other's as Callum leaned against the kitchen island and rested his hands on my backside.

I pulled away breathlessly, and met his green eyes that were now filled with lust. "Wanna go upstairs?" I asked.

"Yes." He breathed, the second the words left my swollen lips. We wasted no time, and quickly exited the party and went to the guest room where I was staying. Soon after, my angel costume lied on the ground.


I ran my fingers through Callum's hair, over and over, as he ran his fingers up and down my spine.

"Is everything alright? You're never this quiet." He said, gazing in my eyes.

"Everything is perfect Callum, no need to worry about me." I smiled softly. I hated lying to him, but I knew that if I told him what happened tonight, his anger would get the better of him and there was no telling what he would do when he saw Evan.

"I always worry about you, I love you." He whispered, peppering kisses on my neck.

"I love you too." I mumbled, sleep beginning to overcome me.

When I woke up, Callum's arms were wrapped around me tightly, his naked body pressed against mine. I could see from the window that  the sun just was starting to rise, so it was still pretty early.

"Cal, wake up." I said, kissing his chest.

He slowly opened his eyes, and smiled at me.

"We have school, you gotta get up."

He yawned, and pulled me on top of him.

"Or.. we can stay in bed for the morning and be a little late for school?"

I laughed and pushed myself off of him. "No, no, that won't work this time, get up." I rolled out of bed, and walked to the closet, quickly putting on my robe.

I turned to look at Callum, who was now sitting at the edge of the bed, staring at me.


"Hmm?" I answered, brushing loose curls out of my face and walking towards him.

"What are those marks on your arm?"

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