Chapter Thirty One

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"Thanks for letting me stay here." I said to Amy, as I put my clothes into the empty drawers in her guestroom.

"It's no problem, there are so many rooms here and my parents are literally never here so you can stay however long you need."

I hugged her tightly. "Thank you for everything Amy, you have been such a good friend to me."

She rolled her eyes dramatically and twirled the end of her hair with her finger. "Yea well you're the most real friend I've ever had so.." she trailed. I hugged her again, even tighter.

"You love me, dont you." I said, grinning.

She pushed me off of her. "Yea, yea whatever."

I laughed and took a seat on the bed. "I love you too, and hopefully my father comes to his senses so I'm not in your space too long." I said, letting out a deep sigh.

"Screw your dad, you can stay here until we graduate. I'd like the company, it'd be like a never ending sleeping over." Amy smiled.

"Maybe," I shrugged.

"Does Callum know why you left?" She asked.

"I told him that my father and I got into an argument, I didn't say what about. I don't think he needs to know really, it would just make him feel guilty." I said, as if I was trying to convice myself.

"Well I say you tell him, you're too much of a goody goody to keep secrets from your boyfriend."

"Im not a "goody goody" I'm entitled to have secrets. What he doesn't know won't hurt him." I muttered, looking to the ground. "Anyway, I should probably be getting ready for work." I said, standing up.

"Right, oh before I go, do you have a costume to wear tonight?"

"Huh? What's tonight?" I asked, confused.

"My Halloween party, I have one every year."

This was news to me, but seeing as I hadn't spoken a word to Amy in 4 years, it didn't surprise me. "I had no clue that this was a thing. I forgot that today was even Halloween."

She nodded slowly and looked at me like I was crazy. "Yes Dylan, it is a thing, it's always been a thing. Seeing as you don't have a costume, you can borrow one of my old ones. I'll pick something out for you and leave it on your bed for when you get out of work." She smiled and quickly exited the room.

What just happened?


As I cleared off my last table of the night, a group of guys came in and sat in my section.

"Hey guys, I'm sorry, we're about to close." I said, my back towards them as I picked up a stack of dirty plates.

"Well that doesn't seem fair, we came all this way." A voice said from behind me.  Recognizing the voice, I put the plates down and turned to the table.

"Oh Evan, it's you." I stated, grimly.

"In the flesh." He smiled cockily,his bright blue eyes filled with hostility.

"You guys can't be in here, the diner is closed." I said, looking around the table. Evan was with two of the same boys he'd been here with before, and two others that I didn't recognize. Evan stood up and stalked towards me, gripping my wrist tightly.

"You wouldn't turn down a couple of paying customers, would you?" He asked, his grip on my wrist growing tighter.

"Let go of me, now." I gritted through my teeth.

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