Chapter Nine

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I kissed him.

Callum grabbed the back of my head, bringing my head closer to his. I gasped, shocked that he was actually kissing me back. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, caressing mine, and instantly we were making out.

My whole body felt warm, even though we were outside at night. I could feel his heart beating almost as fast as mine was. He took the lead in the kiss, dominating my mouth, and softly bit my bottom lip. His lips were so soft, I thought I was dreaming; but quickly realizing where we were, and what I had just done I pulled away. I opened my eyes, breathing heavily, and met his confused expression.

"I can't believe I just did that, especially at such a vulnerable time, I feel horrible." I said, slapping my forehead.

"Dylan. I've wanted to do that since the moment we met." He said, staring back at me. Callum took both of his hands, placed them on the sides of my face, and brought my lips back to his.

After kissing for what seemed like forever, we finally pulled away from each other to catch our breaths. I could feel a blush creeping up my neck and spreading to my face.

"I thought you only liked me as a friend." Callum said, and I couldn't help but stare at his now swollen, slightly red lips. My lipstick must've rubbed off on him.

"Definitely not." I replied, shaking my head. He gave me a mega watt smile, which I reciprocated.

"I'm glad, I've been building up the courage to kiss you all week. Dylan, you are the most beautiful and down to earth girl I've ever met." He said, as he interlocked our fingers.

I could've died right then and there.

Using my free hand, I tucked my hair behind my ear and said "No one has ever said anything like that to me before. You were actually my first kiss." I said, shyly.

He looked at me in shock.

"You could've fooled me." He laughed. "I don't think you realize how other people see you. Every guy at Glendale would be with you if they could."

"I'm sure that's not true." I laughed.

"I'm positive it is. I'm pretty sure Justin threatens everyone that's interested in you. He even tried to do it to me."

I couldn't breathe, I hope this is a joke.

"What? Are you serious? Why didn't you tell me."

"I thought maybe he was your ex or something, I was just waiting for you to tell me. I assumed you two had history, and he was jealous." Callum said, looking confused.

Me and Justin? Together? I couldn't help but laugh, and so I did. I began to laugh so much that my stomach hurt and tears fell out of my eyes.

"What's so funny, did you guys not date?"

I giggled one last time and said "He is not my ex, he's my step brother."

Callum blinked, several times, having no words.


Callum and I left the party, not even bothering to go back inside, and took another Lyft to the only restaurant around that was open, IHOP. It was almost 2am when we got there.

I felt a bit uncomfortable in my party attire, but looking around, most of the other people in the restaurant looked like they just came from a night out too.

We both got coffees to keep us up for the night, and ordered a stack of pancakes each and tons of bacon to share.

"So you're telling me that the girl that basically follows me around school everyday is your step sister?!" Callum said in shock.

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