Chapter Fourty Five

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*play song when Dylan's POV starts

Callum's POV

"Cal, someone is here to see you." My mom said, peeking her head into my room.

I shut my laptop and looked up at her.

"Who is it?" I asked.

She pushed my door open, revealing the person standing behind her.

I wouldn't say I was shocked to see him, I figured he'd make an appearance sooner or later. But I much rather he'd stayed where he was.

"Justin. What are you doing here?" I snarled.

"I'll let you guys talk." My mom said, quickly making her exit.

Justin stood in my doorway, staring at me, not saying anything.

"Well? What the fuck do you want?!"

Taking a deep breath, he finally took a step into my bedroom. "I want to help you find Dylan."

Of course he did.

"Take a seat." I grunted, pointing at my desk chair.

He sat down, shifting in his seat as if he was uncomfortable.

"My stepdad told me you were doing your own search. Outside of what the police are doing, which isn't much from what I've seen." He stated.

"They're doing less than nothing." I spat. "They assume she's dead, they're not even looking for her anymore!" I said, getting fired up about the situation all over again.

"I know. I spoke to the lead detective, he basically pushed me out of his office." Justin said, nodding.

"You're right, I am doing my own search. I have narrowed down the suspects to two people."

"Who are they? And have you told the police about them?" He asked, his dull eyes lighting up.

I hadn't realized how bad he looked until now. Large dark circles were under his eyes, and his skin was sickly pale. His face had much more facial hair than he had before he moved away. He almost reminded me of myself and how I've looked since Dylan was taken.

"My ex and her brother. The police already cleared them but I have a gut feeling that they have something to do with this. I've been keeping tabs on them and if I'm right, Ill have Dylan back within a few days. Once misstep and I'll figure out where they're keeping her." I said confidently.

"Why would your ex and her brother want take Dylan?"

I shook my head in frustration. "No fucking clue. But if it is them, they're done. I swear to God, I'll finish them."

"You won't be the only one." He said, seriously. His phone started to vibrate, and he pulled it out of his pocket. "I gotta take this, it's my sister."

I nodded at him, pulling out my own phone to check the groupchat. Amy, Dylan's cousins Nessa and Marcus, Gabriel, and myself had all been in contact since Dylan was kidnapped. We took turns keeping eyes on Kelly and her brother Bryan. Gabe had just texted, informing us that he seen Kelly get on a bus that was headed to San Diego. I figured she must be visiting her mother, but to be safe, I would be going to San Diego this weekend as well.

"I'm sorry Callum but I have to go." Justin said, standing up. "My mom is in labor, but I'll call you tomorrow to see how I can help with everything."

"Alright." I said, leading him out of my room.

"Oh, and Merry Christmas." He said, turning around.

I looked at him oddly, trying to register what he just said.

"Thanks, you too." I mumbled.

I now realized that today was December 24th, Christmas eve. And I was still without Dylan.


Dylan's POV

I tried every which way to get out of the cellar, but to no avail.

Kelly had only been gone for a day, and I was already starving. I exerted so much energy trying to get out that my body was beginning to fail me. I knew that I needed to hold on until she came back so that I could ambush her when she finally opened the door, but I wasn't sure if I could make it.

I took another swig out of the wine bottle, feeling dizzy once again. All I had to drink in here were the hundreds of wine bottles that been collecting dust for I don't know how long. I'd been drunk since last night, but there was nothing I could do about it. The wine was the only thing to quench my continuous thirst.

As I kept drinking trying to fill up my sickly flat stomach, I heard key's rattling outside of the cellar door. My eyes widened, not expecting Kelly to be back so soon. I quickly stumbled over to the large piece of glass that I had sharpened for this very moment, and stood, back against the wall by the staircase.

The stairs creaked as she got to the last steps, and I knew that it was time for me to make my move.

I quickly got from behind the wall and pounced on her, blindly stabbing her with the broken glass. When she started to scream, I opened my eyes and was shocked to find out that it wasn't Kelly I had been stabbing. It was her brother that I'd met during Callum's birthday. Bryan.

"Stop! Stop!" He yelled, shielding his face.

He was covered in blood, slash marks on his face and forearms. From what I could see, I hadn't done any significant damage, the cuts seemed superficial. He was still screaming, and that was when I realized that I was still cutting him.

I stopped, dropping the glass on the ground beside me. Though my mind was hazy from the alcohol, I was reminded of my plan.

While I staddled him as he covered his face, I reached for a full wine bottle from a rack and broke it over his head, knocking him out cold.

"Holy shit." I whispered. Shocked that my plan actually worked.

I patted down his pockets in search for car keys. I found them instantly, and took them with haste.

Kelly's brother lied on the floor unconscious and bloody, and in this moment, I couldn't care less. As I ran up the stairs and out of the wine cellar, I could almost taste my freedom. After days of feeling hopeless and dejected, I was finally starting to feel alive again.

I walked out of the cellar door and felt the cold hardwood floor on my bare feet. I turned to the door, locking it with the pad lock the once trapped me in.

I desperately looked around for an exit when it hit me. I knew this house.

I had been trapped in Callum's grandparents cabin this whole time. How could no one have found me?

I shook my head and ran to the front door, quickly unlocking it and running out.

I was blinded by the sunlight and covered my eyes with my hand, unable to see anything. Blinking rapidly, my eyes began to adjust as I looked around for the car.

The driveway was empty so I ran in the direction of Kelly's family's cabin hoping to find her brother's car. There was a blue pick-up truck in the driveway. I pressed on the key to unlock it, praying that it was his car.

"Thank you God!" I screamed to the sky, before I ran and jumped in the driver's seat.

I peeled off and started to sob uncontrollably while I drove away.

My mind was filled with so many thoughts. Grateful thoughts, excitement that I would finally see Callum again, and dark thoughts. That of vengeance and hate and what I would do to Kelly once I got my hands on her.

I was so wrapped up in my own mind that I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing.

Right before I crashed the car into some unknown object, I remembered that I was still drunk.

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