Chapter Eighteen

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"Let's see your continue watching list, I promise I won't judge you." Amy said, as I scrolled through my Netflix profile.

I laughed, and responded, "It's fine, I'm not ashamed of my shows." I'd like to think that I have good taste.

Amy had been pestering me all last week for my cellphone number, and when I finally gave it to her, she texted me nonstop.

I thought it was weird that a girl I had gone to school with for almost four years and never spoke one word to now wanted to be friends, but I decided to give her a chance anyway. She judged me before she knew me, and I did the same with her. I found out that Amy Fisher was definitely not the person I thought she was. In my mind, she was this rich girl that got whatever she wanted, and any guy she desired. I thought she would be stuck up and mean, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Instead, she was funny, outspoken, and actually a very nice person. I could tell she was genuine unlike a lot of other girls we went to school with (her friends included).

It was now Thursday night, and I invited her over my house to hang out. This was the first time I'd ever invited anyone over, besides Callum.

She stared intensely at the television as I went through my watch list. Amy seemed to take Netflix very seriously.

"Omg! You watch How to Get Away with Murder?! I love that show. I knew I liked you for a reason." She said, grabbing the remote from my hand and continuing to scroll.

"I watch anything that Shonda Rhimes puts out, her shows are everything." I said, watching Amy whose eyes were glued to the screen.

"Don't tell me you're a Gladiator?!" She yelled, now turned to me.

I smiled and slowly nodded at her.

She dramatically threw the remote on the rug. "Okay we're not watching anything anymore, let's talk Scandal."

Amy and I spent a good hour dissecting every season of Scandal, and discussed our favorite characters and episodes. Callum texted me during our conversation, but I was too enthralled in the discussion to even respond to him. I came to find out that when Amy got to talking about a show she liked, there was no stopping her, she spoke a mile a minute.

We were still talking about the show when the front door opened, and Mel walked into the living room.

"Amy? What are you doing here?" She asked, puzzled.

"Hanging out with your sister." Amy shrugged, turning back to me to continue the conversation.

Mel walked further into the room, approaching us.

"She is NOT my sister, why the hell are you hanging out with this loser, this isn't you, Amy." Mel said as she stood in front of us with her hand on her hip.

Amy laughed and said, "First of all bitch, you're the loser, or have you forgotten that no one is talking to you or your brother because you're both liars? Secondly, you have no idea who I am, just because we have a few friends in common doesn't mean you know me. You're a snobby, clingy, bitch that's been desperately trying to be my friend for years. I'm sorry to break it to you, it's never going to happen. Would you please excuse us so that we can get back to our conversation?"

Mel's mouth hung open, speechless. As did mine, I couldn't believe Amy said those things to her, not that she didn't deserve it.

"I- you, you can't talk to me like that! This is my house! I want you out!" Mel demanded, her face turning red.

Amy smirked and began to rise from the couch. I quickly grabbed her arm, pulling her back down.

"Actually, this is my dad's house, and she isn't going anywhere. She's my friend." I said, smiling at Amy.

Mel scoffed, and replied, "I don't know who you think you are Dylan, but any day now, you're gonna go back to being a nobody." She said, storming out the living room and racing up the stairs.

"I've always hated that girl." Amy said, shaking her head.

I laughed because the feeling was mutual.


It was Friday night, and Callum was taking me on our first official date. He told me to dress up, but other than that, I had no clue what were doing.

It was 6:45 and he was supposed to arrive at 7, so I quickly got myself together, having finally finished my make up. I did a natural look, with clear lipgloss, and decided to leave my hair down, my curls loosely falling down my back. I was wearing a navy blue off the shoulder dress, that clung to my curves and stopped mid thigh. For shoes, I wore strappy black heels that brought my tall stature to about six feet. I normally didn't wear outfits this revealing, but I thought I'd spice it up for my first date.

I heard the doorbell ring and I knew it was Callum. Instantly a smile was on my face. I sprayed so perfume on myself, grabbed my cellphone and purse, and speed walked out of my bedroom.

As I walked down the stairs, I could hear Callum talking to my father. Both of their backs were to me, but when I got to the last step, the pair turned around.

My father's eyes met mine, startled.

"Wow Dylan, you look stunning." He said, looking at me strangely.

"Thanks, Dad." I said, blushing. I then focused my attention on Callum. He looked gorgeous, his dirty blonde hair was perfectly tousled. He was wearing a dark blue button down shirt, with black slacks, and black dress shoes. It looked like we had coordinated outfits, which definitely wasn't the plan.

I walked up to him, and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into an embrace.

"You look absolutely unreal." He whispered into to ear.

"So do you." I whispered back.

"Okay, that's enough you two." My father said, semi seriously.

"Sorry, Dad." I said, letting go of Callum. However, Callum's arm remained around my waist.

"Please have her home by midnight." My father said to Callum, sternly.

"Will do, sir."

Callum took his hand from around me, and interlocked our fingers as we walked outside towards his car.

"I missed you." He said, squeezing my hand.

"I missed you too." I stated, even though we just saw one another a few hours ago at school. It was weird, whenever I wasn't around him, I missed him and I was glad he felt it too.

"So where are you taking me?" I asked, putting my seatbelt on.

"Now, you know I can't tell you that. You're just gonna have to wait and see, my love."

I melted. He could take me to a Wendy's drive through at this point and I'd still be happy.

I am so in love, it's ridiculous.

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