Chapter Fifty Five

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"How do I look? Be honest." I asked my father.

"Dylan you look perfect." He said, obviously.

"No seriously Dad, are my bruises covered up well? I don't want to look crazy over there."

He laughed. "As I said, you're perfect. You did much more damage to the girl than she did to you. I can't even tell you've been fighting."

"Okay, good."

"But no more fighting, right?" He asked, his brows raised.

"Nope, but this one was a long time coming." I smirked.

"You know what, it really was." He laughed.

After my brawl with Mel, she was sent to Texas to live with her father and Justin. My dad told her that she couldn't stay with us anymore, and that she wasn't welcomed back. The only part of Eliza left in our house was my brother Spencer, and he certainly wasn't going anywhere.

Eliza was still in jail. Unable to pay her bail without my father's checkbook, she awaited trial behind bars.

Justin had come to get his sister, and profusely apologized for his mother's involvement in my kidnapping. I told him that it wasn't his place to apologize, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. Who knew that out of all people, Justin and I would be on good terms.

Tonight I was finally meeting the rest of my mother's family at my grandma Candace's birthday party. I was incredibly nervous, but having my cousins Nessa and Marcus there with me gave me some comfort.

"I wanted to talk to you about something before you go." My dad said.

"Okay Dad, but can it be quick, Nessa is already on her way." I said, sitting down.

"Well I know we haven't touched on this subject in a while, but we were meant to talk about it before everything happened. I promised you that we would discuss your mother and what happened with her and her family."

I nodded. "I just figured we'd talk about it eventually. It's not as much of a big deal to me as it was before. But since you're offering, yes, please tell me."

He cleared his throat and sat down awkwardly.

"So, when I met your mom I had just dropped out of college. Your grandparents had cut me off because of it, so I basically had to fend for myself, no trust fund, no anything. I was just starting out in real estate and barely making anything, when this stunning woman walks into the office I was working in at the time. Her and her fiancé were looking for a home for after they got married, and I was the one that had to find it for them. Not to go into detail, but the woman and I began and affair. That woman was your mom, Ava. A few weeks before her wedding to the other man she found out that she was pregnant, with you Dylan."

I gasped, in shock at this revelation.

"She called off the wedding, and her family was so angry at her. When they found out she was pregnant by me, this broke, college drop out, things got even worse. Her parents forbade her from marrying me, and wanted her to terminate the pregnancy and get back with her ex fiancé."

"What?" I said, my voice cracking.

He nodded. "After that, your mom left and didn't look back. We got married and my career started to take off. Eventually we moved here, to Montecito just before your mom gave birth to you. When you were around a month old, Candace contacted your mom and wanted to meet you."

"So what happened?" I asked.

"Your mom wanted nothing to do with them. I'm pretty sure that was the last time she spoke to her mother."

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