Chapter Fourty

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"This guy is a complete stranger. Why do you need an escort anyway?" Callum huffed.

"I know, I know, but what can I do. It's too late to back out of it, my family has already put so much money into the event." I groaned, laying my head on his chest.

He massaged my scalp, running his fingers through my curls.

"I'm coming to that dinner. Whether your grandma likes it or not." He grumbled.

I smiled, looking up at him. "Of course you're coming, I wouldn't have it any other way."

He bent his head down, pecking my lips.

"Let's see what this guy looks like." Callum said, pulling out his phone. He went on his instagram, searching Gabriel Whitman.

"There are probably thousands of people with that name, no way you're finding him." I said.

"I'll find him." A look of determination on his face.

After a few scrolls and clicks, he smirked.

"Found him."

"How do you know it's him?" I questioned, trying to see his screen.

"Oh it's definitely him." He said, a scowl plastered on his face. He handed me the phone, and I instantly knew that this was him.

Scrolling through his profile, I found out a few things. He was the quarterback at Everette Academy. He lived in Bel-air, and was clearly wealthy. And the scowl on Callum's face confirmed my initial suspicion that Gabriel Whitman was gorgeous.

He had a dark chocolate complexion, perfectly straight white teeth, light brown eyes, and the body of a greek god. I'm not sure how long I was scrolling before Callum snatched his phone out of my hand.

"Your drool was getting on my screen."

I sat up, giving him a playful slap on the arm. "Oh shut up." I laughed.

"What? He's a good looking guy, I'm secure enough with myself to admit it." He shrugged.

"I mean I guess he his, but he's no Callum Gage." I smiled.

"Sure." He said, pulling me closer to his body.

I could tell he was jealous, he wasn't hiding it well. He had no reason to be, he is the love of my life.


"Oh my God Calllum, wake up." I said shaking his shoulders.

"Huh?" He hummed, barely opening his eyes.

"We're late for school. And I wasn't supposed to sleep here."

He sat up, rubbing his eyes. "It's okay, we'll only miss first period."

"We'll miss second too if you don't get up!" I demanded, looking for my clothes.

Callum got up and started getting dressed.

"I only have my work clothes." I groaned. "What am I gonna do?"

"Hey, calm down. You can wear one of my shirts, and borrow leggings or something from my mom."

"Callum, your moms leggings will look like bike shorts on me. Plus, I don't want your parents knowing I slept over."

He laughed, sitting beside me. "They definitely know you slept over. And you can wear one of my sweats, now get up and, and get moving." He said, pulling me to my feet and slapping my butt.

Having no other choice, I used Callum's toothbrush which for some reason turned him on. I used Darcy's brush to put me hair in a tight bun, having none of my hair products to actually do anything with my hair. I was wearing Callum's black t shirt and gray sweatpants that were huge on me. I tied the shirt at the side so that it was somewhat form fitting, and rolled the sweatpants up at the waist as much I could. I realize that I looked ridiculous, but I was determined to get to school.

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