Chapter Thirty Five

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I clutched my tote bag to my side, trying to find the courage to finally ring the door bell. Looking in the driveway for the fifth time, I saw that  both Callum's motorcycle and car were still there. I thought maybe if I looked enough times, they would disappear and maybe he wasn't home, but sadly that was not the case.

He was home. He would see me after three days of ignoring me. He must know that Sara called me, it was from his phone after all. Atleast I hoped he knew. Sara is pretty sneaky, she definitely could have snatched it when he wasn't looking to call me. Maybe I shouldn't be here, if he didn't know I was coming then he probably still doesn't want to talk to me.


Before my mind could run through another scenario, the door opened.

"Dylan! It's good to see you." Callum's dad, Connor said, pulling me into a hug.

"Good to see you too Mr Gage." I smiled, hugging him back.

"What are you doing out here, Sara has been waiting to show you off to her friends. Go in, go in, I'm going to grab some more ice cream for the girls."

I nodded with a giant fake smile on my face. "See you in a bit." I said.

He walked to his car as I walked into the house, my stomach in knots.

"Dylan! You're here!" Sara yelled, running from the living room into my arms.

I bent down and hugged her tightly, ruffling her blonde locks.

"I've missed you." I smiled.

"I missed you too. A lot! Why don't you come here anymore?" She asked, a frown on her face.

I stood up and smoothed her hair down. "I'm here now, aren't I?"

"Yes." She said with a toothless grin. "Come and meet my friends please." She said, pulling me towards the living room.

I greeted Darcy, who hugged me for a good five minutes. She whispered to me that whatever Callum and I were going through, she was positive that we'd work it out and that I will always be a daughter to her. Sara introduced me to her friends who were just as adorable as she was.

There was still no sign of Callum, which I was slightly disappointed about because I truly missed him. I knew he was only a couple of rooms away from me, but it felt like we were a world apart. If I wanted to, I could just walk to his bedroom and see him, but who am I kidding, I would never do something like that.

Eventually, Mr Gage had come back with more ice cream and snacks which we all indulged in. We played with dolls together, ate pizza, and now five little girls were all doing my makeup at once.

"Okay, we're done!" Sara's friend Isabel said excitedly.

Sara clap her hands together and stood up. "You wanna see?" She asked me, grinning.

"Sure..." I trailed off, looking to Darcy with my eyebrows raised.

She put her hand over her mouth as her body shook from laughter.

"Really Darcy?" I whined.

"Sorry-" she cackled, "You're beautiful, Dyl." She said, still laughing.

I shook my head at her and laughed as I stood up. "Okay girls, time to see what damage you've done to me."

I picked up my bag so that I could change into my pajamas, and walked to the upstairs bathroom. I looked at Callum's door, and could hear music playing from his bedroom. I frowned and walked into the bathroom, closing the door.

I set my bag on the sink before looking into the mirror. Seeing my reflection, I instantly burst out laughing at the horrfic makeover done to me. My eyebrows were five shades darker, with a very dramatic arch. I had on sparkly green eyeshadow that almost reached my edges, and a bright pink lip. I took my makeup remover wipes from my bag and began to scrub my face clean. I felt bad for ruining all the girls' hard work, but I looked insane. There was no way I could go the rest of the night looking like this, especially if Callum might see me. Once my face was clean, I stripped down to my underwear to change.

Just as I was about to put on my sweatpants, the bathroom door opened.

"Oh! Sor-" Callum began to say, but cut himself off when he realized that it was me. He stared into my eyes for a few seconds before walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind him. As I stared at him, I felt as if though I couldn't breathe. My mouth dried up, and I was at a loss for words. Of course he was still insanely gorgeous, which made this situation all the worst.

He swallowed as he looked me up and down, scanning my entire body. That was when I remember that I was still in my underwear. A crossed my arms over my chest and backed up against the sink basin.

He took a step towards me, a pained look on his face. His eyes were a dull green, unlike I'd seen before, he looked almost as sad as me.

"I've missed you." He whispered, stepping closer.

I looked at him, blinking back tears. I didn't know what to say to him, but he had to know that I'd missed him too, so much.

If he missed me why hadn't he answered my numerous calls or texts. Why had he waited so long to talk to me, just because I had made a stupid mistake and said something I didn't mean.

"I missed you too Cal." I finally said. He walked closer to me, his presence now invading my personal space. His two arms trapped my body as my back pressed against the cold marble of the sinks vanity top.

"I'm sorry for everything." I whispered, as his face lowered down to mine. "I love you." I said softly, before his lips captured mine. The kiss was slow and passionate. He bit my bottom lip and I immediately opened my mouth to him, caressing my tongue with his. I lifted my hand, and tugged his hair, bringing his face closer to mine and deepening our kiss. He grabbed me by thighs and lifted me up on the sink, my legs instantly wrapped around his waist. Just as the kiss got more heated, there was a knock on the door.

I jumped slightly, and we pulled away from each other, our foreheads resting against one another's. His lips were dark pink and swollen, and he breathed heavily as he stared in my eyes.

There was another knock, and Callum turned to the door, annoyed, yelling "What?!"

There was a scoff behind the door. "Don't 'what' me, Callum Gage!" Darcy yelled. "Is Dylan in there?"

He turned back to me and smirked. "No mom, she's not. Check another bathroom."

"Mhmm, glad you two are making up." She laughed.

Immediately, blood rushed to my face, realizing that she knew that we were both in here, I hid my face in Callum's chest.

"I'm mortified." I mumbled.

"Don't be." He said, stroking my hair. "Come to my room when those brats fall asleep, and we can talk, okay?"

I nodded before hopping off the sink. He held both sides of my face and pressed his lips against mine, before turning to the door.

"And I love you too by the way." He said, turning back to me, and leaving the bathroom.

I shook my head, laughing, touching my lips.

God do I love him.

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