Chapter Twenty Two

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I pushed Justin so hard that I stumbled into the bathroom door, and fell to the ground. Vigorously wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I glared up at him in shock. His cloudy eyes stared into mine as if they were searching for an answer to an unasked question.

"What? I-, why would you do that?" I asked as I remained on the floor.

"I love you, I just.. I don't know what else to say. Dylan please." Tears were welling up in his eyes as he looked down at me.

"What do you mean please? Please what!? Justin you're my step brother! We literally grew up together! And I love Callum." I didn't realize I was crying until a tear dropped on my lap. I didn't know why I was crying, maybe it was because I was drunk or in shock, but the tears kept coming.

A single tear fell from Justin's eyes, and he quickly wiped it away. "I know I haven't always treated you well, but it was only because I tried to deny my feelings for so long, and I can't anymore. I just, I need to be with you, I know you could love me." He said, desperately.

"Haven't always treated me well? You've been downright evil the entire time I've know you! I'm sorry, but it will never happen Justin, I couldn't ever love you, not the way you want." I said to him, tears still falling.

Before he could say anything else, Callum walked into the room.

"What's going on." He said, walking towards me. I brought my hands to my face to wipe my tears away, and tried to stand.

Callum looked back and fourth at me and Justin, as I struggled to get off the ground.

"What did you do to her?" He said in a low voice, anger radiating off of him. He stood in front of me, his back facing me, standing as a barricade between Justin and I.

"N-nothing. I was just leaving." Justin stuttered, as he back away from Callum.

"Then why the fuck was she sitting on the floor crying?" He gave Justin a hard shove with both of his hands. Callum got in Justin's face, giving him a menacing look, shoving him for the second time. Justin raised his hands in the air as if he was surrendering, looking to me for help.

I grabbed Callum's arm, stopping him from pushing Justin again. "Cal stop, let him go. Everything's fine."

Callum turned around to look at me. "What. Did. He. Do." His jaw was clenched.

I shook my head, as I began to feel sick. When I didn't answer, Callum turned back to Justin, his hands now in two fists. When he turned around, Justin was gone. He took a step to go after him, but I grabbed his arm again, pulling him back.

"Don't." I whispered, and suddenly I had an overwhelming urge to vomit. Callum's eyes widened when I took my hand off his arm and brought it to my mouth. I turned to the bathroom, and quickly opened the door, running to the toilet. I didn't realize that Callum had followed me into the bathroom until I felt his hand rubbing my back as I emptied my guts into the toilet.

I stood up and flushed the toilet, turning to Callum and feeling embarrassed.

"Get in bed, I'm going to tell everyone to leave." He said, rubbing his thumb on my cheek. I just nodded, not wanting to speak after throwing up.

When he left the bathroom, I walked over to the sink and filled my mouth with listerine. Leaving the bathroom, I felt too weak to change into pajamas, so I took off my dress and got into bed only wearing my bra and panties. A few minutes later, I fell asleep.


When I woke up, my mouth was incredibly dry and my head pounded. My curtains did nothing to hide the sun the beamed into my bedroom. I attempted to get up, but was held down by an arm wrapped tightly around my waist. I looked down at the arm that was lightly covered in blonde hair, and instantly knew it was Callum.

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