Chapter Sixteen

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When school was over, I met Callum in the parking lot so that he could take me home to change for work. Even though I enjoyed the time he took me on his motorcycle, I was glad he decided to drive his car today.

"You want to play your music?" He asked, holding the aux cord in front of me.

"You seem to have forgotten that I don't have my phone."

"Play it from my phone." He replied, handing me his cellphone before pulling out of the school parking lot.

I scrolled through his apple music library, and decided to play Drake's More Life album on shuffle.

Callum laughed as Teenage Fever began to play.

"Sometimes I feel like you like Drake more than you like me." He said, shaking his head.

I laughed and held his free hand as he drove.

"Maybe just a little." I said, playfully.

He took his hand from mine and gasped, putting it on his heart. "Why don't you go and be with him then!"

Still laughing, I replied "If I could I would, but I'll just have to settle for you I guess."

His mouth dropped open in fake shock. "That's it, I'm pulling over. I want you out." He stated, as he continued to drive.

It was a quick drive to my house, while I listened to music, and Callum grumbled about how he was better looking than Drake. I continued to tease him the entire ride.

We finally got to my house, and we both got out of the car.

"Wanna come in? You still haven't gotten the chance to see my bedroom yet." I said, as we walked towards the front door.

"Definitely. Lets do it." He replied, interlocking our fingers.

We walked into my house, and I right away, I saw my father sitting in the living room, reading a book. He looked up when he heard the door close, and greeted us with a smile.

"Hi Dylan, Callum." He said, standing up from his seat.

"Hey dad." I said, quickly letting go of Callum's hand.

Callum walked towards my father, and shook his hand. "It's nice to see you again, Mr Gold."

"Likewise." My father responded. "How was school?" He asked, looking down at me.

"Uh it was okay, I didn't have my phone all though. I left it in you car when you dropped me off, have you seen it by any chance?"

"I came to your school around 11 to bring it to you. When I got there, I saw Justin and asked him if he could give it to you. He didn't?" He asked, with a confused look on his face.

That was when everything clicked for me. That is how everyone knew we were step siblings. Callum gave me a knowing look, coming to the same realization as me.

"I haven't seen Justin all day, I heard that he left school." I said, looking to the ground.

"You both look guilty, what is it that you aren't telling me?" My father said sternly.

There was no use in hiding it, he might as well know the about the drama he had caused.

"Well when you came to school today, you kind of let the cat out of the bag. Everyone knows that the twins and I are related now, it's all over the school."

My father blinked at me, as if he was digesting the information.

"Oh." He shrugged. "I didn't realize it was that big of a deal. Regardless, I'm glad it happened, it shouldn't have been a secret anyway. I'll see you two later, I'm going to do some work in my office." He said before walking away.

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