Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Wow, you look lovely. You will be the standout." My grandmother said, staring at me in awe.

"Thank you." I smiled. "Why does the dress have to be white? It's not like I'm getting married." I said, staring at myself in the mirror. I was at a dress boutique having my final dress fitting before the ball.

"It's the debutante ball, everyone wears white Dylan. Your escort will be wearing a black tuxedo."

I turned my back to the mirror to face my grandmother.

"Escort, no one said anything about an escort."

She looked at me like I was crazy. "Of course you're going to have an escort, I thought that was clear."

It definitely wasn't clear.

"Uh Grandma, I'm not sure if Callum would be up for that."

She laughed softly and took my hand. "Oh sweetheart I'm sorry but Callum will not be your escort. I already have someone lined up for you."

My eyes widened, stunned by the words that were coming out of her mouth. "But Callum is my boyfriend, it wouldn't make sense to go with anyone else. Especially someone I don't know."

She gestured for me to sit on the sofa across from her.

"Sweetie, this is a Black Woman in Society event. There is no way that your escort could be Callum, all of the escorts will be black young men from affluent familes like your own. I think that Callum is a nice boy, and he's more than welcome to come, but he will not escort you at the ball." She said calmly.

"So what you're saying is that the event is only for black people? That isn't right grandma. If it's supposed to be about me coming out to society, what does my date have to do with that?"

"That is just how things are in this community Dylan. There is nothing I can do about it. Gabriel Whitman will be your escort. We are having him and his family over for dinner tomorrow night."

I widened my eyes, standing to my feet.

"What? Why am I just finding out about this if you knew he'd be my escort all along?"

She looked away, brushing her hair out of her face.

She waited until the last minute to tell me so that I wouldn't back out of the ball. Typical manipulative Gold family behavior.

"Seriously grandma? And what does your organization have against white people? Your mother was white."

She stood up, grabbing her purse. "I think that's enough for today Dylan. Give your dress to the seamstress and meet me in the car." She said briskly, before leaving the boutique.

I groaned, walking into the changing room. The only reason I was even doing this stupid debutante thing was for my grandmother, and now she blindsides me with this? I don't even know what I'm going to say to Callum, this situation is completely embarrassing. And who the hell is Gabriel Whitman?

I quickly stripped out of my dress and put my clothes on. I gave my dress to the seamstress, who had informed me that it would be ready in two days. Walking to the car, my blood was boiling at the situation that my grandma had put me in. I slowly started to remember why we weren't close in the first place.

The drive back to my house was silent. She didn't look at me and I paid her no attention. When I got home, I went straight up to my room to change for work.

I'd been back home for four days now after reluctantly leaving Amy's house. She was upset that I had left, but understood that I needed to make things right with my father. Callum still hadn't told me what went on between the two of them, and I'm not sure if he ever will. Since their talk, they have been cordial with one another, and that was all I could ask for at this point.

After getting dressed and walking downstairs, I found my grandparents sitting in the living room.

"Where are you off to, Dylan?" My grandfather asked. My grandmother was looking up at me, her eyebrows raised.

"I'm going to work, I'll be home around 10."

"Work?" He questioned, standing up. "Why are you working? Does your father not give you a sufficient allowance?" He pulled his wallet out and began taking out a bunch a bills.

"Oh no thank you grandpa," I laughed, waving my hand. "My dad gives me money, but I like working and earning my own. We're like a family at the diner."

He looked at me confused as he put the money back into his wallet.

My grandmother finally spoke, standing beside  my grandfather. "A diner, Dylan? You are a Gold, you should not be working at such a place, or working at all for that matter. And we are your family, why are we just now learning of this?"

"I don't know Grandma, why don't you ask Gabriel Whitman." I stated, before high tailing it out of the house.


After my shift, I didn't want to go back home and face my grandparents, so I decided to drive to Callum's house. I hadn't seen him since this morning at school, so I thought I'd surprise him.

When I pulled up to his house, all of the lights were off, and I was praying he hadn't gone to bed yet. I parked my car and called his cellphone, he answered on the first ring.

"Hey Dyl, you done with work?" He asked, his voice sounding tired.

"Yea, just got out." I said, getting out of my car and walking to the side of his house where his bedroom window was.

"Did I wake you up?"

"No, not at all. I was supposed to be studying but just started dozing off. So your call was much needed."

I smiled, boy do I love this man.

"Oh that's good, can you do me a favor?" I grinned.

"Of course, what is it?"

"Go to your window." I said.


"And open it so you can see the stars clearly."

I could see him slide his window open, as I hid. He was looking up at the sky with a huge smile on his face.

"Alright, what now?" He asked.

I hung up the phone. "Nothing, I just wanted you to see how pretty tonight was." I said, loud enough so that he could hear me.

He looked down at me and nearly dropped his phone out the window.

"I'll be right down!" He semi yelled, before quickly closing his window.

I walked to the front of the house, moving from the grass to the paved walkway after hearing the buzzing of insects coming from the lawn. The front door of the house opened and Callum came barreling out, taking me into his arms, my legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. I put my arms around his neck for balance, and he pressed his lips against mine.

"This is such a good surprise." He murmured against my lips.

"I took a page out of your book." I smiled, kissing him back.

"C'mon," he said, bringing me to my feet and interlocking our hands. "Let's go inside."

And so we did.


Hey everyone, I've been super busy with school, but I'm glad I could finally put this chapter out for you guys. On another note, It's my 21st birthday!! I've been waiting for this day a longggg time, so I just wanted to share it with you all ❤️

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