Chapter Thirteen

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The hallway was filled with people, but the one person I was looking for was nowhere to be found. I opened up my locker, and emptied the contents of my bag into it. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist, startled, I jumped out of their arms.

I turned around to find my grinning, green-eyed, gorgeous boyfriend standing in front of me.

"You scared the crap out of me." I said, giving him a playful push.

He laughed and walked towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist, our chests pressed together.

"Sorry, I just missed you." He whispered, looking down at me.

The hallway was quieter, but I payed no mind and stared into Callum's eyes.

I got on my tippy toes, and pressed my lips against his.

"I missed you too, even though we only just left each other a few hours ago."

"It felt longer than that, I hate being away from you." He said, his forehead pressed up against mine.

Out of nowhere, the bell rang, signaling first period.

"I don't wanna go." I whined, still only centimeters from his lips.

"We can skip? I'll take you out for breakfast." Callum suggested, deviously.

I laughed, pulling away from him and shaking my head. "While that is a very tempting offer, I'm gonna have to decline. I have trig homework due this period."

"Damn, that means I won't be able to see my girlfriend for another hour. You sure there isn't any way I can convince you?"

I grinned. "Say it again."

"Huh, say what again?" He asked with fake confusion, and a smirk on his face.

"You know what."

"Oh! You mean the part about you being my girlfriend? You do know you are my girlfriend right? Or did I dream that?"

I laughed, pulling him closer again.

"Sounds like an elaborate dream, maybe tell me about it sometime? I gotta head to class." I said, as I turned from him and began to walk away.

He grabbed my hand, spun me around, and pulled me back to him.

"I can assure you, it was no dream." He whispered, before pulling me into another kiss. "Go to class before you're late, I'll meet you back here after." He said, kissing me again.

I will never get tired of kissing Callum.

"Okay boyfriend, I'll see you later."

He smiled at me, his whole face lighting up, as we walked away from each other and went to class.

"Say it again!" He yelled from down the hall.

"BYE, BOYFRIEND!" I yelled back, thankful that no one was around to witness this.

He waved goodbye as we went our separate ways.


I got to trig just before the late bell rang, and hurried to my seat. I hadn't realized that majority of the class was looking at me.

The teacher still hadn't arrived yet, but that was nothing new. As I began to pull my homework out, someone sat in the empty seat beside me. I looked up, and it was Amy Fisher. Her sleek black hair and piercing blue eyes, evaded my vision. She hadn't spoken to me since her party where she drunkenly came on to me, and I was fine with that.

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