Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Do you seriously want to do this right now?" I groaned.

My dad looked at me and then looked behind him into the house and signed, turning around, he shook his head. "No, I guess not. Come in, the both of you." He muttered.

I turned to Callum and grinned before grabbing his hand and walking into the house.

My father led us to the living room, where my grandparents sat on the sofa, Eliza and Mel sitting across from them with their fakest smiles on.

"Look who's here!" My dad stated, happily.

Everyone stood up. My grandfather stood at 6'5, a deep brown complextion, and a very serious demeanor. My grandmother was more than a foot shorter than him, with very light skin, and green eyes. Her demeanor was equally as serious as his. Her curly hair was in an updo, she wore a designer dress, with a diamond encrusted bracelet to complete her outfit. She looked amazing. She cracked a small smile when I walked in, while my grandfather remained stoic.

"Grandpa, Grandma, it's good to see you guys." I smiled.

"Nice to see you Dylan." My grandfather nodded. I shook my grandfather's hand which is the only way he's ever greeted me as long as I've known him.

My grandma wrapped her arms around me. "I've missed you Dylan."

I hugged her back, surprised. Helena Gold was never one to show any emotion.

"Uh, I missed you too Grandma." I said as she let me go.

Both their eyes were on Callum the second they were done evaluating me.

I stepped back and stood beside him. "This is my boyfriend, Callum Gage."

Callum reached out to shake my grandfather's hand. My grandfather just stared at it until Callum eventually dropped it, rubbing his palm on his pants.

"It's nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Gold." He said. I smiled at him, relieved that he paid no mind to my grandfathers rudeness.

"That's Judge Gold to you." My grandfather said, gruffly.

"My apologies Judge."

"Good to meet you Callum." My grandmother said, before giving me a sly wink.

What is going on right now?! This woman has never winked at me in my 18 years alive. I wasn't sure where this sudden change was coming from, but I liked it.

My father's chef came out and informed us that Thanksgiving dinner was ready, so we all walked into the dining room. Eliza and Mel hadn't spoken a word since Callum and I had arrived, and I was pretending like they weren't even there. As we sat down, Mel attempted to sit beside Callum, but was thwarted when he took my hand and sat at the opposite side of the table. My boyfriend is the best.

The table was beautifully decorated, completely over the top, and clearly not done by anyone that lived in this house. A gourmet dinner was spread over the table, and nothing but food was on my mind.

Just as I was about to reach for a piece of cornbread, my grandfather clears his throat.

"So who will be leading us in prayer?" He asked, looking around the table.

I looked down at my plate to avoid eye contact. That was when I heard my boyfriend speak up.

"I'll do it." My Welsh lover boldly stated.

I blinked a couple of times and looked up at him, shocked. He smirked at me before bowing his head.

"Can everyone bow their heads and close their eyes?" Everyone did as they were told, surprisingly including Eliza.

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