Chapter Eleven

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We sat down and immediately my stomach was in knots. With the animosity between Callum and Justin, and the awkwardness between Mel and I, I was sure this dinner would be a disaster. My father added to the equation just made everything ten times worst.

The seating arrangement was a nightmare. I sat sandwiched between Callum and Justin, while my father sat directly in front of me, with Eliza and Mel at his sides. He seemed to be studying my face intensely while we all sat in an awkward silence.

He then turned to Callum and said "I'm sorry young man, I forgot to ask your name."

"My name is Callum Gage, sir." Callum responded with ease, he and my father seemed to be the only ones that weren't nervous.

"Is that a Welsh accent I detect?" My father inquired.

"Yes, I was born in Wales, my family and I moved here when I was younger."

I just wished they'd stop talking to one another, I felt like I was going to throw up.

"Interesting. So how do you know my daughter?"

Oh God. I started shaking my leg nervously underneath the table, Callum must've felt it, because he put his hand on my thigh, rubbing it soothingly, which instantly calmed my nerves. We looked at each other and smiled.

"We met at school, our lockers are right next to eachother."

"So you must know Mel and Justin too."

I didn't like where this was going.

"I've seen them around, but we're not really acquainted. I guess we don't run in the same circles. I actually didn't know they were Dylan's step siblings until recently." Callum said cooly. Why would he say that, this is just going to start unnecessary drama.

I grabbed my fork and began shoving mashed potatoes into my mouth, not being able to look at my father. I could see him looking back and forth at Mel and Justin in confusion.

"Oh? Dylan, why didn't you tell your friend that the twins were your siblings." My father asked me, as I stared down at the table.

He knew to ask me, because I'd be the one to tell the truth.

"Actually, it's a funny story-" Mel started, but was cut off by my father.

"I'm sure it is, but I want Dylan to tell it."

I looked at everyone around the table before I spoke. Eliza was nervously fidgeting with her manicure, her food untouched. Mel was shooting daggers at me, her eyes saying "don't say a word". Justin was gulping down his water, and Callum just stared at me, his hand still rubbing my thigh.

I cleared my throat and finally met my fathers eyes. "Well, um I.." Callum squeezed my thigh softly, giving me the push I needed.

"Well, Justin and Mel don't like people knowing we're related. They told me not to tell anyone, but I couldn't keep a secret like that from Callum." I said quietly, almost in a whisper.

Eliza was now looking at me as if I just told the table I was pregnant.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Justin said, getting up quickly.

"I think the restroom can wait Justin. Why don't you sit back down and explain to me why you and Mel don't want people knowing that Dylan is your step sister." My father said, sternly.

I looked at Justin as he awkwardly sat back down next to me. I wish Callum wasn't here to witness this, but I probably wouldn't have been able to tell my dad anything if he wasn't here. I would've probably gave him a vague answer and let Eliza take over the conversation like I had done most of my life.

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