Chapter Fifty Four

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"I'm so glad you're back." A blonde girl in my American history class whispered to me.

"Do I know you?" I asked, confused.

She looked offended by my question, and said "I'm Alice, I'm on the cheer team with Mel."

I stared at her, still unable to recognize her.

"I was at your birthday party." She stated, obviously.

The bell rang, saving me from further interacting with her. I quickly put my things into my bag, and bolted out of the classroom.

"Dylan." I heard, the second I stepped into the hall.

"Callum." I smiled, turning around to him. I could tell he was upset with me by his tone.

His eyes were angry and his brows were furrowed.

I stepped closer to him, and quickly pecked his lips to diffuse his anger.

"Wanna go outside? I have a free period." I said, my arms around his neck.

He was still angry, and didn't speak. I kissed him again and took his hand, dragging him outside with me.

We sat down at a table in the outdoor lunch area, which was void of any students.

Callum stared down at the table angrily, refusing to meet my gaze.

"Please don't be mad at me, Cal." I whined.
"I'm sorry I lied, okay? But if you knew where I was actually going you would've stopped me." I said, grabbing his hand from across the table.

He looked up, squinting at me.

"Where did you go?"

I looked down at my bruised fist that was on top of his. He followed my gaze, and stared at my hand.

He picked up my hand and ran his thumb over my knuckles. "What happened?" He asked, his eyes filled with concern.

I didn't want to lie, I knew I couldn't, so I sucked it up and told the truth.

"I punched Kelly in the face."

He raised his eyebrows as he looked into my eyes.

"Kelly. As in Kelly Kim?"

I nodded, pulling my hand from his.

"I went to see her in jail this morning. The detective needed my help."

"You're kidding right?!"

"Just listen to me, alright?" I asked softly.

"Fine." He grunted, leaning back in his seat.

I explained to him what happened in detail, from the call I received from Detective Clarke, to the bloody punch I gave Kelly.

"She told me something before I left." I said, my eyes boring into his.

"What? What'd she say?"

I took a breath before I told him. We sat in silence for 10 seconds just staring at one another.

"She told me that Eliza helped her kidnap me."

His eyes widened, bulging out of its sockets.

"You have to be fucking kidding me. I just saw her 20 minutes ago! Why didn't you tell me when I was there?!"

"Why, so you could end up behind bars?" I said.

"She's dead, Dylan. She's so fucking dead." He said, shaking his head. His face was red, and his eyes frightening. I thought I'd seen Callum angry before, but it was nothing like this.

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