Chapter Twenty

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As I zipped up the fourth dress I've tried on, a pile of dresses were dumped on my head from outside of the changing room.

"Amy! What is wrong you!?" I yelled through the door.

"Sorry!" She yelled back. "I'll warn you next time."

I shook my head even though she couldn't see me. "There won't be a next time. I've tried on a million dresses at this point, I'm over it."

"No, No, try on one more. There's a lavender dress in the pile that I just threw, that would look amazing on you. I promise, that's the last one I'll make you try on." Amy pleaded.

"Fine, but if I don't like it, we're leaving and I'll wear something from my closet." I said to her as I shuffled through the pile of dresses. There was only one lavender colored satin dress in the pile, and I could see that it was really short with a plunging neckline.

"Amy, I don't know about this dress, did you forget how tall I am, this dress looks very short." I stated as I held the dress up in front of me while I looked in the mirror.

"Just try it on Dylan, what's the harm." Amy said.

I huffed and pulled the dress I was wearing down, standing in the changing room in my underwear. I took the purple dress, and stepped into it, and just as I thought, it was extremely short and form fitting. I pulled the thin straps over my shoulders, and looked at myself in the mirror. I hated to admit it, but the dress looked amazing on me. With the plunging neckline stopping at my sternum, it made me look like I had boobs. It highlighted my curves, and was very flattering.

I put my arm behind my back and tried to zip it up, but I couldn't reach the zipper.

"Hey can you come in and zip this up for me?" I said to Amy, unlocking the door.

Amy walked in, my back facing her, and stared at me through the mirror.

"You look hot as hell!" She exclaimed, zipping up the dress.

"Thanks." I blushed, turning around to see how it looked from the back.

"Legs for days! Callum is gonna drop dead when he sees you." She said as she gave my butt a light tap.

"Hey, quit it." I laughed. "Are you sure it isn't going to be too much? Especially this neckline, you do realize my father is gonna be at this dinner too right?"

"You're getting it, period. And besides, you're eighteen today, you can wear whatever you want."

So I ended up getting the dress. After leaving the mall, Amy drove us to her house so that we could get ready for my birthday dinner. My dad decided that since it was my eighteenth birthday, I should do something special so he hired a caterer and was hosting a dinner at our house. Callum and his family were coming, which I was excited about. I also decided to invite Amy since her and I had gotten so close recently.

I sat down in Amy's bedroom as she straightened my hair. I decided to let her do my hair and makeup after ten minutes of her begging.

"Please don't make me look crazy."

Amy laughed, now plugging in her curling iron. "You'll look great, I promise."

She was right. When she had finished my hair and makeup, I barely recognized myself, but I looked beautiful. I put on my dress, and nude heels which added another four inches to my
5'10 stature.

"Maybe lose the heels? You don't want to be taller than your boyfriend do you?" Amy said as she quickly applied another layer of mascara on her eyelashes.

"Hmm.." I questioned, looking at myself in Amy's full length mirror, "I think it'll be fine, I don't think he'll mind." I shrugged.

"If you say so. C'mon I'm ready, we can go now."

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