Chapter Thirty Eight

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"What time do you wake up in the morning? I want us to have breakfast together." My grandmother said.

"Uhh.." I trailed, looking over to my father, not knowing what to say. My grandparents didn't know that I wasn't living here, and I didn't want to lie to them.

"I'll tell the chef 9 am, if that works for the two of you." My father said, his body tense.

"That's fine Steven, that work for you, Dylan?" She asked.

"Yes, 9 is fine."

"Alright, I'll see you in the morning. Let me go rescue your poor boyfriend from Richard."

"Goodnight Grandma, and thank you." I smiled.

"Dyl, can we talk for a minute?" My father asked, once my grandmother was out of ear range.

"Sure." I mumbled as he led me into his office.

I sat down across from him, annoyed that I'd done this so many times before.

"I know we have some things we need to discuss, but I was hoping we could do that when your grandparents are gone."

I groaned. "C'mon Dad, you said you would tell me about mom's family if I came to dinner, I'm here, I came, so what is the problem."

"You're right, and I will tell you everything you want to know, but I can't do that now with my parents here. They don't even know that you've been living elsewhere, and I don't want them to. Which is why I need you to do me a huge favor."

I already knew what was coming, and I didn't like it.

"And what favor would that be, Dad?"

"Stay home until they leave, after that, you can make your decision on whether you want to come back home." He said.

"You gave me no choice, I'm not going to stop seeing Callum, so the decision is yours. I can't stay in this house unless you accept my boyfriend, I'm sorry. I won't say anything to Grandma or Grandpa, I think you should be the one to tell them." I said, standing up.
"I'll be back in the morning before they wake up for the breakfast, but they aren't stupid Dad, this charade won't last long."

He sat back in his chair, defeated. "Bring Callum with you tomorrow morning, I would like to talk with him alone."

I nodded. "Okay, I'll tell him." I was glad that we were finally getting somewhere.

"See you tomorrow." He said.

"Bye, Dad." I replied, leaving his office.

When I walked into the living room, I found Callum sitting on the sofa, playing a game on his phone.

"Ready to go?" He asked, standing up.

"Yes, thank you for waiting." I smiled, interlocking our hands as we walked out.

"Always." He responded, kissing the top of my head.

Callum drove me back to Amy's house, which would be without Amy for the rest of the week. She had gone to her older sisters house in New York for Thanksgiving break, and wasn't due back until school started up again. The staff was still here, but other than that, I was alone. I told Callum about tomorrow's plans, and he agreed to go back to the house with me and talk to my father. He told me how my grandfather grilled him for twenty plus minutes about his future and his intentions regarding me. Apparently my grandfather wasn't giving his blessing until he was sure that Callum was worthy of his granddaughter. I was shocked by conversation, because neither one of my grandparents ever showed me any interest. I'd see them maybe once or twice a year and only ever exchange pleasantries, I didn't know them as people, and they didn't know me.

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