Chapter Fifteen

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Justin's POV

"Sorry bro, I'm not gonna be able to drive you home after practice, I have to go to work straight after." Aaron said.

"It's cool man, I'll find another ride." I said, as I took my biology book out of my locker. Four of my friends, Aaron, Nate, Declan, and Jackson stood around waiting for me so that we could all go to lunch together.

"Justin!" A deep voice yelled from across the hall. I instantly recognized it, and shuddered. I looked and saw that it was my step dad, Steve, walking out of the office and towards me. My stomach turned. What the hell was he doing here.

"Who is that guy?" Nate, one of my teammates asked.

I didn't respond, and began walking towards Steve. I attempted to put space between myself and the guys so that we wouldn't have to talk in front of them. Not taking the hint, they trailed behind me, whilst I got closer to Steve.

He had a sticker on his chest that read 'parent visitor'.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked, as I stood in front of him.

"Your sister forgot her phone in my car this morning, I came back to bring it to her, but since you're here, do you mind giving it to her?"

I let out a breath of relief. "Yea no problem, I didn't even realize you dropped Mel off." I said, as I grabbed the phone and quickly tucked it into my back pocket. I took a step back from Steve, in the hopes that he would leave.

"No, that's actually Dylan's phone, I gave her a ride this morning after you and Mel left. Anyway, please make sure she gets it, and I'll see you both at home." Steve said, not before giving my friends a wave, and walking off.

Fuck. How am I going to get myself out of this. I turned around to my confused teammates.

"Was that your step dad?" Aaron asked.

I shifted my feet as I looked to the ground.

"Um yea, that was him. We should probably head to lunch now before the good stuff runs out." I responded, not meeting any of their gazes.

"He said that phone he gave you was Dylan's. Bro, is that Dylan Gold's phone? Was that her dad?" Nate asked, while everyone else looked at me accusingly.

I didn't know what to say. They seemed to already know the answer, so it would be stupid to lie.

"Yes, to both questions." I said, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck.

The boys stared at me in shock.

"Are you serious man? The only reason I never asked her out was because you told me she was your ex and that she cheated on you! Come to find out she's your fucking step sister!" Nate yelled, dramatically throwing his hands in the air.

"What the hell Justin, you've been lying to everyone about this girl for four years. I thought we were supposed to be friends." Aaron said, shaking his head in disappointment.

I didn't know what to say to him, or any of them. They were right, I'd been lying to everyone for years. I told most of the guys that were interested in her that she was my ex, and that they should stay away. The guys who didn't care, I threatened. They wouldn't understand why'd I done it, and I definitely wasn't going to explain it to them.

"I'm sorry, I need to go." I said, turning around, and walking away from them.

They called out for me as I sped down the hall to exit the building.

When I reached the parking lot, and felt a buzz in my back pocket. How could I forget, I still had her phone and I also had no way of driving myself home.


Dylan's POV

I stood at my locker, looking around the hallway for Callum. I only saw a handful of people grabbing things out of their lockers, and talking to one another, most likely going to lunch.

Callum emerged from the boys bathroom and scanned the hallway as well. Our eyes met, and immediately his face was lit up with a smile, as was mine.

He walked towards me grinning, once he got to me, he wrapped his hands around my waist and planted a kiss on my lips.

Surprise, I said, "Well hello to you too." After pulling away.

"I missed you, I haven't seen you all morning, I've been texting you constantly, like a stalker." He laughed.

"I came to school late, and left my phone in my dads car. I've been going crazy all day without it."

"Well I'll just sum up my texts for you then, they went something like "where are you?" "I miss you" "why aren't you at your locker?" "Text me back so I know you're okay" something like that."

I laughed and said, "Who knew my boyfriend was a stage five clinger."

He smirked and put his arms around me, bringing me closer to him. "With a girlfriend this stunning, I have no choice but to be." He whispered, gazing lustfully at my lips.

He always knew what to say to make my heart beat faster.

I put my arms around his neck, going in for a kiss. He sucked on my bottom lip and slowly put his tongue on mine. I moaned into his mouth, forgetting where we were. After a minute, I pulled away, my cheeks now flushed.

I looked around, and the few people that were still lingering in the hallway stared at us. I put my head on Callum's chest and closed my eyes in embarrassment.

"We're one of those pda couples now, I hate those couples." I said, into his chest.

He stroked my curly mane, and replied "You're just going to have to get used to it, lets go to lunch."

I opened my eyes, and met his beautiful green ones.

"Fine, lets go." I said, grabbing his hand.

Once we got to the cafeteria, all eyes were on us. I thought that people had gotten over it by now, but I guess not. We got our food as everyone around us whispered in their collective groups.

Before we even got the chance to sit down, Amy was walking towards us with a look of determination on her face.

"So, is it true?" She asked, the second she stood in front of me.

"Is what true?" I replied, confused.

"The whole Justin and Mel thing, is it true you guys are related? That's what the whole school is saying." Amy said, as if she already knew the answer.

I looked up at Callum for help, not knowing what to say. His eyes were open widely, clearly shocked by Amy's question.

"So I'm going to take your silence as a yes. I heard that Justin already confirmed it anyway, and Mel hasn't been seen since the news broke."

"This isn't really anyone's business, why is this such a big deal?" I asked, validating the gossip with my response.

"AHA! I knew it was true. Don't worry though, I won't tell people that you confirmed it, after all we are working towards our friendship." She said, flicking her dark hair over her shoulder.

"We are?" I asked, blinking at her.

She laughed, responding "You're a funny one, Dylan Gold. We'll talk later." And she took off back to her table.

I turned to Callum, who hadn't said a word throughout the whole exchange.

"What just happened?"

He shook his head, looking just as confused as me.

I guess the secret was out, and honestly it didn't matter one bit to me.

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