Chapter Seven

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It took us two hours, but I eventually found an outfit for the party. Callum ended up getting a few things since we had gone into so many stores. After shopping, we went to the food court to eat, which Callum insisted on paying for. We talked for a while, and laughed majority of the time.

When I am around Callum, I feel like my real personality actually comes out. A personality that I haven't been able to show in a long time. All the shyness that I felt when we first met had slowly dissipated.

I ended up dropping him home around 5. We had decided that since we were drinking tonight, neither of us would take our cars, instead we would take a Lyft to the party. The party started at 9, so Callum would take the Lyft to my house to pick me up, and we'd go from there.

When I got home, I read for a little while, but eventually got tired of the book I was reading. So I went on YouTube to find cute makeup looks for tonight. I'd become quite good at doing my makeup over the years. Never really leaving my room, except to eat, I always had a lot of time on my hands. Recreating makeup looks on YouTube had become a hobby of mine. I never went outside my room with any of the looks, because there was really no point to. However, now that I actually had somewhere to go, I could put my skills to use.

I decided to do a natural looks, with a light shimmery eye and a bold red lip. I was wearing a plain black dress, so the makeup seemed appropriate. I looked at my clock, and it was going to 7, so I decided to take a shower.

When I got out, I wrapped my hair up in a towel to stop the water from dripping down my back. I threw my robe on, and unwrapped my hair. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it, but since I was changing up my look for tonight, I decided  to straighten it.

It took me 45 minutes, but I was finally done. I stared at myself in the mirror, and I looked identical to my mother. In the last picture we took together on my 6th birthday, her hair had been straight, and seeing myself now, it was almost scary how much we looked alike. And for the first time in a long time, I actually felt beautiful.

I took my now straightened hair, put it in a low ponytail, and tied a silk scarf around it. I began to do my make up, praying that I wouldn't mess up and have to start over again. When I was finished, everything came out exactly how I wanted it to. I took off my headscarf, untied my hair, and brushed it so that no hairs were sticking up. Pleased with the look, I finally got dressed. It was almost 9, so I began to pick up the pace.

The dress I was wearing was a sleeveless black bodycon dress, that stopped just above my knee. It was simple, but that's what I was going for. Just as I was putting my shoes on, my phone went off. I grabbed it, and saw that it was Callum calling.

"Hey, I'm outside in the Lyft. I would've come to the door but I didn't want another run in with your stepmom." He said.

I laughed, and responded "I'm glad you didn't, I'll be down in a second."

"Alright, see you soon then." He replied, and hung up.

I grabbed my purse, and chucked my phone and keys into it. Before leaving, I looked around my room, hoping I wasn't forgetting anything. I realized that forgot to take my lipstick.

Quickly running to my dresser, I put my red lipstick in my bag, and sprayed some bath and body works perfume on myself. When I left my room, all of the lights downstairs seemed to be off, letting me know that likely, no one was home. I raced down the stairs, quickly exited the front door, and locking it.

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