Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Dylan, someone is at the door for you." My dad said, cracking my door open.

"Who is it?" I asked, full knowing that I wouldn't like the answer.

"Callum." He responded, cringing.

My stomach turned. I wish he hadn't come here.

"Tell him to go home, and to not come back, please." I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

"What did he do?" My dad asked, walking into my room.

I turned my head away from him so that he couldn't see me crying. "He cheated on me." I sobbed.

My father sat on my bed and pulled me into his arms. "I'm so sorry, Dyl."

He got up abruptly. "I'm gonna go and take care of it."

After hearing his footsteps angrily descend down the stairs, I got up and walked quietly to the top of the staircase. I could hear Callum and my dad arguing, voices raised, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. There was some commotion and then I heard Callum's voice clearly.

"Dylan! Dylan can you hear me?! I didn't do it, Kelly set me up!" He yelled, it was clear that he was now in the house.

Hearing his voice nearly broke me. What he was saying didn't match up with what I saw. I was one second away from going down the stairs, until my father yelled to Callum, "Get out or I'll call the police!"

"Fine, get off of me." Callum said to my dad. "Dylan I love you, I wouldn't hurt you!" I heard, before the slam of the front door.

I ran back to my room and threw myself into my bed. I was feeling so many different emotions while so many thoughts ran through my head. The person I am in love with is telling me that he didn't betray me, and I want so badly to believe him. I've never trusted anyone more than I trusted Callum, and to have that trust broken is devastating.

I grabbed my cellphone and called Amy. I told her what happened and what Callum said, and she told me to trust my gut. I believe that my gut was telling me that Callum wouldn't have cheated on me, but it could have just been wishful thinking because I love him so much. I decided to sleep on it, and assess everything tomorrow.


The next morning, I quickly got ready for school, and went downstairs to grab breakfast. When I got to the kitchen, Eliza and Mel were sitting at the island, drinking smoothies. Mel had a scowl and a full face of makeup on, while Eliza looked upset with red, puffy eyes. I'd known Eliza a long time, and I have literally never seen her cry once. Typically, she was void of emotion, maybe this was because of her pregnancy.

"Morning." I mumbled, making my way to the refrigerator, not bothering to make eye contact with either of them.

Neither of them responded, instead, Eliza got up and left the kitchen. Feeling someone behind me as I reached for the milk, I turned around to Mel looking up at me, her arms crossed.

"You know it's your fault my brother left, right?"

I closed the fridge and took a step back. "How so?" I asked, feigning confusion.

"Well.. well I don't know, but I know you did something. Why else would he tell me to leave you alone before he left? Huh?"

That was kind of him, I guess.

"I don't know Melissa, why don't you ask him. I barely ever spoke to your brother."

I didn't tell her what happened between Justin and I, because it wasn't any of her business. And even though I didn't care for Justin all that much, I would never air out his dirty laundry, it just isn't who I am.

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