Chapter Twenty Six

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As we drove back to the cabin, I could feel that the energy of our perfect day had been shifted. Music played in the car, while Callum kept his eyes on the road, not saying a word.

"So, Kelly seems nice." I said, trying to ease the tension.

"She can be." He mumbled quietly.

I had come to find out that Kelly and Callum basically knew each other their whole lives. Her family owned the lake house next to his grandparents cabin, and every summer when he visited from Wales, he would spend time there with Kelly and her brothers. They had lost contact after his grandparents passed away. Apparently Kelly and her older brother now live in the lake house to commute to their college. After their little reunion, I could tell that there was something up with Callum, I didn't know the details of their relationship, but by the way he was acting, I could tell that they were involved.

I continued to look at him as we pulled up in front of the cabin.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, once he parked.

He turned to me with a forced smile on his face. "Everything's fine."

I felt the urge to roll my eyes, but decided against it.

"Callum I know somethings wrong, you've been off since we left the candy shop. Does it have anything to do with Kelly?"

He blew out a breath whilst unbuckling his seatbelt. "Let's talk inside, okay?"

"Alright." I replied, taking off my seatbelt, picking up my bag of treats, and getting out of the car.

As we walked towards the cabin, I quickly glanced at Kelly's house a few doors down, hoping that whatever Callum had to tell me about the two of them wouldn't affect our relationship.

We walked inside, and immediately I was blasted with the cool breeze from the central air conditioning which I hadn't realized we had left on. Callum and I made our way over to the couch and sat down. I wrapped a blanket around myself when I started to get goosebumps.

"So..." I said, looking at him.

He quickly combed his fingers through his hair before speaking. "You see the thing is, Kelly was kind of my first."

I blinked at him, a little taken aback. "Um first what?"

He laughed nervously before responding. "First everything? We dated on and off for a while, it was a really toxic relationship so I ended things two years ago."

"I see." I nodded. "You don't still have feelings for her do you?" I asked, desperately hoping that the answer was no.

Callum took both of my hands into his.

"Absolutely not, I love you and only you. Honestly, I don't think I ever actually loved Kelly. Her and I were just childhood friends that forced a relationship because it made sense, trust me there are no feelings."

A smile broke out on my face. "Good cause I love you too."

He took both sides of my face and kissed me.

"Now that that's squared away, wanna go upstairs?" He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

I laughed, shaking my head. "All you think about is sex now." I stood up and held my hands out to help him up. "Let's go." I was every bit addicted to him as he was to me.


"You are an amazing cook." Callum stated as he cut into his steak.

"Thank you, consider this your real birthday present." I smirked.

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