Chapter Twenty Three

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Eliza's POV (during the party)

"Honey do you have to turn off the lights? Is that really necessary?" I groaned.

"Yes it is. It's a surprise party, so get over yourself and crouch down." Steven whispered, angrily.

I rolled my eyes, grateful that he couldn't see me. I refuse to crouch down like an idiot, I am pregnant for God sake. I could hear the front door being unlocked, and without warning, Steven turns on the lights and everyone around me yelled surprise at Dylan. I couldn't bother, it's not like anyone would notice if I said it or not. She walked in with her slutty little friend trailing behind her. If I said Dylan didn't look good, I'd be lying; but I'd never admit it to her. She had straightened that God awful mess on her head, finally showed some skin, and actually looked halfway decent. She stood there with a shock expression on her face when her father went to approach her for a hug. Everyone was making such a big fuss over her and it was irritating the hell out of me.

I walked into the kitchen and quickly downed a glass of champagne before anyone could see me. One glass wouldn't hurt the baby, I think. I scanned the room looking for something to eat, this kid was turning me into a pig, I couldn't wait for it to come out. Dylan's giant cake sat in the center of of the kitchen's island, I smirked as I dragged my manicured finger across it and brought the frosting to my mouth.

"Mmm, delicious." I moaned, staring down at the ruined cake.

"Ma'am, you're not supposed to touch the cake." Someone said from behind me. I jumped, startled by the voice.

I turned to see that it was one of the caterers.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to sneak up on a pregnant woman?" I said, annoyed.

"I'm sorry ma'am." He apologized, walking towards the island. "You've destoyed the cake!" He shouted. He stared at the cake, turned to me, looked at the empty champagne glass, and then back at me. He gave me a look of disgust.

Who was he to judge anyway, he's the help.

"Oh mind your damn business and fix the cake, isn't that your job?" I said, glaring at him. Before he could accost me any longer, I left the kitchen and returned to the party.

I walked into the living room to find everyone still gushing over Dylan. Her and her boyfriend were kissing each other as if no one else was in the room, it made me physically sick. What he saw in that black bitch, I have no idea.

"Where have you been?" Steven said, as he suddenly appeared in front of me.

"The bathroom, this baby is practically sitting on my bladder." I frowned, tapping my stomach.

He nodded, clearly believing my lie. From the corner of my eye, I could see the caterer from the kitchen approaching us. I tugged on Steven's arm to pull him away before the boy got any closer.

"What Eliza?" He groaned, pulling his arm from my grasp.

"I just wanna talk somewhere quieter." I said, but was too late because the kid was now standing in front of us.

"Uh sir there's a problem with the ca-" He stopped speaking when I locked arms with Steven and rested my head on his shoulder, smiling up at the caterer.

"You were saying?" Steven said, irritated.

The boy shook his head as his eyes locked with mine for a brief moment. "Nevermind, I'm sorry."

Steven looked at the boy strangely.

"Dad, come over, I want you to meet Callum's family!" Dylan yelled. Oh thank God, I thought. This glorified waiter almost ratted on me.

"C'mon Eliza." Steven said, pulling me with him and leaving the caterer standing there. I looked back as we walked away, and blew a kiss to the caterer who angrily ran his fingers through his hair.

We approched Dylan and the boyfriend, I wanted to be anywhere but here. Dylan introduced her father to her boyfriend's parents, leaving me out like the brat she is. I looked the parents up and down, especially eyeing the father. I could see where the boy got his looks from, his father was a sexy, tall blonde with gorgeous green eyes and a heavy British accent. I looked at his wife and almost laughed, she was as basic as they come, barely standing at 5ft, with dull brown hair, and a mousy little voice.

Steven introduced me, and I smiled at the two of them, but my politeness was not reciprocated. The mother just began to go on and on about how much she loves Dylan, I wanted so badly to roll my eyes. They were probably just trying to butter Steven up after seeing his obvious wealth, because by the looks of it, these two clearly lacked the same affluence.

"Dylan is my best friend." A tiny voice states from below me. I hadn't even realized she was there, but the resemblance to her father and brother was uncanny. She was a beautiful little girl.

"Aren't you gorgeous." I said, patting her blonde locks.

"Don't touch me, you're a witch!" She yelled, moving to stand behind Dylan. I could see that her outburst drew some attention from the other guests, and instantly my face turned red. What a little monster.

"Sara Annabelle Gage, apologize right now." Her mother said to her.

The little girl stepped from behind Dylan, and looked up at her parents. "But you and daddy said she was a-" Her mother put her hand over her mouth before she could finish her statement. It was apparent that Dylan had been poisoning these people against me. I was so tempted to go off on all of them, but bitterly bit my tongue, not wanting any more issues with my husband.

"I'm so sorry about her, I'm gonna go find her something to eat." The woman said, grabbing both her husband and daughter and running off.

"So, great party huh?" The boyfriend laughed. I crossed my arms over my giant belly and walked away angrily. I was bring disrespected in my own home, and of course Steven didn't even try and defend me.

I walked towards the sunroom, and I could hear him trailing behind, trying to catch up with me. I walked into the room, slamming the door behind me, aware that it most likely slammed in his face. Not even a second later, he swung open the door, while I sat down by the window, ignoring him. He closed the door and stomped over to me.

"What the hell is your problem?!" He demanded.

I rolled my eyes, staring out the window. "I just want everyone to leave, I'm over this fucking party."

He grabbed my face so that I was looking at him. "This is my daughter's eighteenth birthday party, so take that sour look off your face and go out there to entertain our guest." He said furiously, his jaw clenched.

"And if I don't?" I threatened, my eyebrows raised.

"You really don't want to piss me off Eliza, you're already on thin ice with me as it is. I'm getting really sick of your shit."

I shrugged. "And I'm sick of yours."

He laughed humorlessly. "You are lucky that you're pregnant, had you not been, your ass and those spoiled twins of yours would be living on the streets as we speak."

"Then it's a good thing I am pregnant, daddy." I smirked. "You're stuck with me, and my children." I said, rubbing my belly.

He took my arm and pulled me to my feet. "I can make life so much more difficult for you Eliza, with one phone call, all of your cars, your designer clothes, shoes, and handbags can be gone in a blink of an eye."

"You wouldn't dare." I said through my gritted teeth.

"Oh I would." He nodded. "Now get your ass out there and go be the doting wife and mother that you've pretended to be for all these years."

I stormed out of the room, leaving him in there alone. As if on cue, the baby gave me a hard kick. I pressed on my belly and shuddered. If this baby isn't his, I will lose everything. All I can hope for is it being slightly tan when it's born, if not, my life will be over.

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