Chapter Two

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I could feel my heart beating faster and faster as Callum and I approached the cafeteria. The past three years that I have gone to this school, no one has ever asked me to eat lunch with them. After two years of eating alone, I'd decided that I was better off skipping lunch and reading in the library.

"Is something wrong?" Callum asked, with a concerned look on his face.

"No, it's nothing, I just haven't eaten here in a long time." I said quietly.

"I'm sorry, we don't have to if you don't want to, I can go with you to the library if you like?" He suggested.

"No, it's fine, lets go in." I said, my voice picking up.

Before I could even process it, Callum grabbed my hand and pulled me into the cafeteria with him. Almost immediately, all eyes were on us and the whisper began. Great.

"What's up with these people, I've never been to a school like this before." Callum whispered in my ear, so close that his lips were almost touching it.

"This school runs on gossip, and you're basically hanging with the school outcast so I guess that's a big deal." I whispered back, as we walked to the lunch line.

He looked down at me curiously. When we got our food, I released his hand, forgetting that I'd been holding it in the first place. The whispers had calmed down, and it seemed like everyone went back to their normal conversations. Callum and I made our way to an empty table near the exit of the cafeteria.

"So tell me, why are you the school outcast, you seem like a very nice person." Callum questioned.

I laughed, and replied "Well thank you but your guess is as good as mine. I haven't done anything scandalous if that's what your thinking, people just don't talk to me." I said with a shrug. "I'm used to it by now."

I looked up at Callum and saw an angry expression on his face. His bright green eyes seemed darker and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Well you shouldn't be used to it Dylan, people shouldn't be treating you this way." He said, his voice now raised.

"Hey," I said grabbing his hand, which was clenched into a fist. "It's okay, It's senior year, in a couple of months I'll never have to see these people again." I laughed, trying to ease the tension.

"If anyone ever gives you any trouble, I need you to let me know, and I'll handle it." He replied firmly.

I nodded, and I could physically see his body start to relax. This guy was a stranger to me and he cared about my well being more than my own so called family. As if on cue, group of football players begin to approach our table. My step-brother Justin leading the charge.

"Hey man, we heard you played football over at Tollman, you thinking about trying out for the team?" Justin asked looking at Callum, while completely ignoring me.

I was surprised, Callum didn't seem like the football type. But what do I know, we'd only just met.

"Nah, I'm done with football. It isn't really my thing anymore." Callum replied coolly, looking away from Justin and turning his attention back to me.

"So your new thing must be hanging out with losers then." Justin laughed while staring down at me, his teammates cackling along behind him.

I rolled my eyes because this was nothing new, and before I could blink, Callum was on his feet throwing a fist into Justin's face. I gasped and immediately jumped to my feet. In an instant, the entire cafeteria came running over to witness the fight.

Justin fell to the floor and spit out blood, and that was when everything went haywire. Justin's teammates immediately turned their attention to Callum. Fists began to fly, and Callum was dodging every hit. The fight was three on one, but the three seemed to be at a disadvantage. Justin sprung to his feet, while his best friends Aaron and Jace finally caught Callum by both of his arms.

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