Chapter Ten

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For the next two weeks, Callum and I spent majority of our time together. When I would go to work, he would sometimes stay in the diner for my whole shift just to keep me company. He finally met Hector, and they got along like a house on fire. After my shifts, Callum always insisted on following me home to make sure I got there safely, and my heart melted every time. I couldn't remember the last time I felt so happy.

Almost everyday after school I would go over to the Gage's house. Callum's parents treated me like I was apart of their family. Whenever Callum and I found a chance to be alone, Sara would interrupt us, and plead for me to play with her. Callum eventually got fed up with it, and began locking his little sister out of his room, much to her dismay. When we were alone, we talked, watched movies together, and sometimes, we'd kiss, but Callum never took it too far.

We were still friends, and hadn't really defined our budding romance. We didn't show each other affection at school or in front of his parents, but they probably had a clue; seeing as it was pretty obvious that Callum and I liked each other.

Every since the party incident, both Mel and Justin avoided me like the plague. Mel would speed walk past me anytime we saw one another at the house, and Justin would give Callum dirty looks in school while staring at me but never saying a word at home. Eliza hadn't picked up on her children sudden change to me, and treated me in the same verbally abusive manner she always had.

It was the end of September, which meant that my father would finally be coming home. I was just preparing myself for the charade that Eliza and the twins would soon put on for him.

Anytime my dad came home from one of his trips, Eliza would act like we had been living as on big happy family in his absence. I never faked it, so it was clear that everything wasn't perfect while he was gone. Though, I was always polite and timid by nature, I was sure my father knew that something was up. He just simply ignored it.

It was almost 4pm, and he would he arriving any minute.

"Pull your shirt down, Mel! You don't have to have you belly button showing! Have some respect for your father." Eliza said sternly, her ice blue eyes shooting daggers at her daughter.

"Steve is not my father." Mel grunted, as she pulled her shirt down.

Eliza rolled her eyes and said "He pays for all your stuff doesn't he? You can be so ungrateful sometimes."

I couldn't help myself and snorted. They were all ungrateful users. The twins disliked my father, yet pretended to love him for an allowance. I didn't know how Eliza truly felt about him, because she was so good at faking it. I assumed she couldn't like all that much, seeing as he is a black man, and she is clearly a bigot.

Mel turned to me and squinted her eyes, as Justin stared at the ground.

"Is something funny Dylan?" Eliza questioned.

"Nope, nothing at all." I said, innocently, tucking a loose curl behind my ear.

Before she could utter another word and verbally attack me, the key turned in the door, unlocking it. In walked my father, Steven Gold.

He stood at 6'4, a caramel complexion, and hazel eyes. He was bald, with a full beard, and model like features. Other than a few crows feet when he smiled, he was wrinkle free. Besides his skin color, we looked nothing alike. My father was a handsome man, but his personality did not match. At least not anymore.

He seemed surprised to see us all standing in the foyer waiting for him. Eliza immediately ran into his arms.

"I've missed you so much honey, we're all so glad you're home." She said, in a fake upbeat tone that I only ever heard when my father was around.

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