Chapter Fourty One

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The Whitman's were like the perfect family. Well mannered, well manicured, boldly and beautifully black.

Charles Whitman, the father, was a sports attorney. Laura Whitman, Gabriel's mother, was a socialite and a woman of high society like my grandmother; born into money. Gabriel Whitman was as seen on his instagram account, perfect.

As they stood in front of me, I couldn't help but feel jealous of them. I wasn't sure what exactly I was jealous of, but I just wanted what they had. Their presence was felt, and they commanded the room the second they stepped foot in my house. All three of them radiated confidence, something that I'd strive to obtain.

Everyone was quickly introduced, and the next thing I knew, we were all sitting down at the dining room table.

"I must say Dylan, you are a very beautiful girl. Why haven't you joined the pageant circuit, you'd do very well." Mrs. Whitman said.

Mel snorted, causing everyone at the table look in her direction.

"Was it something I said?" Mrs. Whitman asked, raising her eyebrow.

I looked at Mel, waiting for her response.

"Well," Mel started, clearing her throat. "Dylan isn't really the pageant type. I on the other hand have been competing since I could walk."

"Interesting, i'd assume it was the other way around." She responded, smiling at me.

I smiled back at her.

"So Gabriel, I hear you play football. Will you continue sports in university?" My grandmother asked.

He nodded, quickly swallowing his food. "Yes ma'am, I will be attending Brown in the fall, and plan to play there."

Her eyes lit up.

"Brown? That's excellent, congratulations. I was hoping that Dylan would go to school on the east coast as well, to be closer to her grandfather and I." She said, looking at me.

She'd never said that to me. I wasn't too keen on being close to them, or my father for that matter.

"Oh? Where do you plan on going?" Gabriel asked me.

"Well I haven't gotten any of my acceptance letters back yet, but my top pick is the University of Washington in Seattle, I also applied to a few Ivy's on the east coast, Brown being one of them." I said.

"Why Washington? If you don't mind me asking."

"I've always wanted to live in Seattle. My mom and dad took me there when I was really young, and I fell in love with it. I just always figured that I'd live there when I got older."

"I didn't think you'd remembered that trip." My father said from across the table. "You were barely five when we visited Washington." He was smiling, but his eyes were sad.

"Of course I remember, that was one of the best times of my life." I replied.

My father nodded and smiled, raising his whiskey to his lips.

The rest of the dinner had gone smoothly, everyone on their best behaviors. The Whitman's were far more down to earth than I thought they would be, and Gabriel was someone that I could see myself becoming good friends with. Around half an hour into the dinner, Callum finally spoke to Gabriel, and they hit it off. They bonded over their love for football instantly.

After dinner, the adults went into my our entertainment room for a night cap, while the rest of us stayed upstairs and hung out in the living room.

"You nervous about tomorrow?" Gabriel asked me.

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