Chapter Six

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The week had gone by in a blur, and spent most of my time with Callum, getting to know him better. We found that we had a bunch of things in common. We liked the same kind of music, watched a lot of the same shows, and discovered that our birthdays were a week apart. Mine being October 20th, and his, the 27th. Though I was born a year after him.

The attention we were getting was now simmering down, and it seemed like people were finally getting used to us being friends; with the exception of Mel, Justin, and the other "populars".

While things at school got better for me, at home things had gotten worst. After the day that Callum met my step mother Eliza, it had been nonstop harassment from her and her daughter. I thought back to when Eliza had first found out about my budding friendship.

I was up in my room changing when I heard the doorbell ring. I feared that it was Callum, so I hurriedly got dressed and grabbed by things. From the top of the stairs, I could hear Eliza say
"Uhh yea, hold on a minute." just before closing the door on the person.

She turned around and watched me as I slowly walked down the stair, meeting her at the last step. She stared at me like I was diseased, if looks could kill I'd be six feet under.

"You really think you're something, huh?" She asked, her hand on her hip.

"I'm not sure what you mean?" I said, looking at her confused.

"What I mean is that you think you're hot shit, having boys ringing my doorbell for you."

I blinked at her, not knowing how to respond to her accusation.

"Um I-I don't. He's my friend." I stuttered.

"Oh really? Since when do you have friends? Seems to me like your out there being a little slut." She sneered.

Taking aback by her statement, my face started to heat up. I shook my head at her and bit my tongue. If she only knew what I wanted to say to her in this moment.

"If you'll excuse me Eliza, I need to go. My friend is waiting for me." I said calmly.

"Go ahead, don't come home crying when you get knocked up and your so called friend refuses to be your baby daddy."

I clenched my fists and took a deep breath. Just eight more months of this and I am done. I don't know how much more I can take. I walked to the front door, opened it, and slammed the door behind me.

Eliza must have told the twins about Callum picking me up from the house, because Mel who rarely acknowledges me at home has been on my back everyday since, and Justin who constantly torments me hasn't even been able to look at me (which I was happy about). Mel accused me of stealing Callum away from her, even though he hadn't spoken two words to her. I explained to Mel that Callum and I were just friends, but she wasn't having it. I had to start locking my bedroom door so she would stop coming in and bothering me about the situation.

Eliza would make little remarks here and there whenever she saw me, but I was used to it after having to deal with her terrible behavior for the past nine years.

I shook those thoughts out of my head, and focused back on my book. It was the third period of the day, and I was in study hall. Unable to control it, I yawned loudly, receiving weird looks from some of the students around me.

"Sorry." I whispered, and could feel myself blushing. I had been really tired these past few days, because every night since we went for ice cream, Callum and I would text until one of us fell asleep. Last night, we had texted each other until 3 am, which was a new record for us. I haven't had a close friend like this since middle school, although, I didn't have a crush on my friend then. This all felt very new to me.

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