Chapter Nineteen

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After driving for about thirty minutes (thirty minutes I spent begging Callum to tell me where we were going), we finally pulled up to my favorite restaurant Bettola.

I turned to Callum, surprised. "How did you know this was my favorite restaurant? I don't remember telling you about it."

He smirked, and shrugged. "I have my ways. This is only part one of the surprise, so don't get so excited just yet."

I leaned over and pressed my lips against his. "Whatever it is, I know I'm gonna love it."

"Wait here." Callum said, before getting out of the car. A second later he opened up the passenger side door for me.

I stepped out of the car and put my arms around his neck.

"What did I do to get such a sweet boyfriend." I whispered, staring up at him.

"I do what I can, sugarplum." He said, kissing me. "C'mon, let's go. I know you're hungry." He said while interlocking our fingers.

We walked into the restaurant, and was immediately seated my the hostess. Apparently Callum had made a reservation and specifically asked for a table on their patio. We walked outside and the setting was beautiful. There were twinkling lights hung above us, and candles floating in the fountain near the table. There was only one other couple out there two tables down from us, so we had privacy.

"You really thought of everything."

"I wanted it to be special." Callum said, smiling at me.

"Well thank you, I love you." I said, leaning over and kissing him.

"I love you too Dylan, so much."

Our waitress came over to take our orders, she was a petite blonde that looked no older than twenty. She couldn't keep her eyes off of Callum the entire time she talked to us. He didn't seem to notice, but I was well aware.

"Your food will be out shortly, but definitely let me know if you might need anything else." She said, her eyes glued to Callum.

"We will, thanks." I spoke, finally getting her attention. She scowled at me and then quickly put a fake smile on her face before walking away.

"So Sara wants to have a slumber party with her friends, and you are the guest of honor. Apparently she's been telling everyone at school about her best friend that's in high school and no one believes her." Callum laughed.

"I'll have to call her tomorrow to confirm my attendance then, I can't disappoint my bestie." I replied, semi seriously.

Callum held my hand from across the table, circling his thumb over the back of my hand. "You are just so great with her. She loves you, you know, actually my whole family does."

"Well I love them too, your family is great, it's no wonder you turned out the way you are." I smiled.

"And you turned out amazing despite the family you have." He smiled sadly. Quickly changing the subject, he said, "So your birthday is in four days, do you have anything in mind of what you want to do?"

"It's not really a big deal, maybe we could just watch some movies and order takeout or something." I shrugged, birthday's aren't really that important to me.

"It's your 18th birthday, we are not watching movies and eating takeout Dylan." Callum said, shaking his head and laughing.

Laughing, I said "Well- " but was immediately cut off by the waitress. She hadn't even left our table ten minutes ago, and she was already back.

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