Tempted ~Chapter 28.

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Pic of Danny to the side ☝➡

Danny's P.O.V.

After making our way back to the house where we found a dumbfounded looking Scott in the living room, everyone soon settled down and began to talk and eat snacks.

I waited patiently before finally getting enough courage to make my way towards Destiny. Ever since the incident when we were introduced I've been wanting to talk to Destiny.

I just wanted to know why that happened to me and not anyone else, I mean why me?!

I know she must not have any clue at all but I want to at least make sure if she's ever seen my sister before... My sister.

Feels strange just thinking about it, I haven't seen her in so long. What if she's... No! I can't think like that she has to be alive and well she just has to be!

"Hey Destiny."

She turned around with a piece of bacon halfway out of her mouth, she looked like a kid caught sneaking her hand into the cookie jar.

My mood immediately lightened and I couldn't help but laugh causing her cheeks to turn light pink.


"Sorry to bother you..I just wanted to know if...have you ever...how do I say this.." My words seemed to mash together as soon as I spoke, I didn't realize how nervous I was.

I was afraid of what I was going to hear, what if she never met my sister, what if she had how would that help me? She could be gone by now for all I know!

"You were going to ask if I've ever met your sister before?" I stared wide eyed at Destiny, how had she known.

"I've been thinking a lot about it too, but the thing is I don't know how she looks like so maybe I've come across her but how would I know? Names dont help either she could of had her name changed over the years. Maybe even moved to another country by now?"

I thought about it for a moment, she was right. There were so many different possibilities.

"Your right, I have a picture of her when I was little I know it won't help but maybe she still looks close to the same. Would that help?"

I looked at Destiny with hope, I felt like she was my only chance of finding her.

"Yeah it could help do you have the picture with you?"

I noded vigorously, I always carried a picture of her with me.

I took out my wallet and opened it revealing a small picture of my little sister, I reached over and handed it to Destiny.

I watched Destiny's eyes turn a silver color as soon as her hand touched the picture. I frowned in confusion and worry.

What did I do?

"Destiny are you okay?!" I gently shook her shoulders trying to get her out of her trance.


I caught Destiny in my arms as she collapsed. Ryder immediately came over taking her from my hands and tending to his unconscious mate.

Oh no what have I done!

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