Tempted ~Chapter 20.

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Pic of Belle on the side➡➡

Destiny's P.O.V.

Its been a few months now since we moved here, all our things were shipped months ago and now this was our new home. I couldn't be any happier and of course rye rye was estatic when he heard the news.

He was so happy how could I not be! Its also been months since anything that happened, there's been no recent attacks or threats. Everyone is glad about that but it just seemed strange.

Why attack out of nowhere and then completely stop? Why attack me specifically, when I had barely arrived. The attack must have been more against rye rye than me. So does that mean there planning something against him?

There's nothing to do but wait, the man who kindnapped me was named Alester. He died at the hands of rye rye, I'm glad he's gone now but I still don't feel like everything is going to stop now because one enemy is dead. I just have a very bad feeling at the bottom of my gutt, something is going to happen sooner or later.

"Why the long face?" I smile and lean into rye rye, his strong arms going around my waist.

"I-im just nervous about starting school tomorrow." I didn't lie I was in all honesty nervous about starting school, meeting new people and being the new student meaning stares all day long.

"Don't worry beautiful you'll be fine, you'll have pack members there plus your brother." He leaned in kissing my cheek.

"I guess your right."

"Of course I am now if you'll excuse me I have some pack stuff I need to attend to." With that rye rye left but not before giving me a kiss on the lips.

Almost everyday rye ryes been attending to his pack duties, and every time I questioned him about it he says its nothing important. I wonder if he's keeping anything from me.

What am I thinking of course not, I shouldn't be thinking like this he just doesn't want me to get involved that's completely understandable.

"Well if it isn't the mate stealer." I rolled my eyes wanting to rip her head off already.

Alana came into the room with a devious smile on her face. She was up to something for sure. "What do you want Alana?" I asked irritated.

"I want what's mine!" She screeched. "Yet, you took that away from me, we were happy together before you showed up!" My heart dropped at her words, that couldn't have been true he was never with her he told me himself, shes lying!

"Your lying Ryder never wanted you he told me himself you've always been a leech he could never get rid of sucking the happiness out of everything!" I took a deep breath in and out trying to contain my anger.

My words seemed to have affected Alana she looked hurt but it was quickly replaced with a sadistic smirk.

"If that's true then how come I'm still seeing him. Even you weren't enough for him he wanted someone who could take care of him who could satisfy him in every way. Something only I could give him."

Her words cut deep, this wasn't true there's no way she's saying the truth. It just can't be true she had to be lying, she just had too be!


"Believe what you want I know what's true." With that Alana turned around and walked away, the only sound that could be heard were the clinking of her high heels.

She had to be lying Ryder wasn't cheating on me, he loved me. He would never do anything to hurt me!

Then why was I doubting him?

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