Tempted~Chapter 34.

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Ryder's P.O.V.

My right arm tightened around his throat slowly taking the oxygen from his body. I brought my right arm back and slammed it against the hard dirt ground below. Everything around us was hectic, my pack members were surrounding the rogues making sure no one attacked if any one of them moved even a muscle they had the order to kill them on the spot. There leader was laying on the ground, my hand slowly closing every time I didn't get the information I wanted.

I had the right to kill this pathetic lowlife but as much as I wanted too I couldn't! I needed answers and I was afraid he was the only one who could give them too me.

"Now tell me who sent you here and why?!" I ordered.

A smirk slowly appeared on his blue face showing his blood filled teeth. "I just want my baby girl b-back."

My hand instinctly tightened around his neck he began to gasp for air but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction he wanted.

"Now I'm going to say this once again listen carefully if I don't get what I'm looking for your as good as dead, Do you understand now who sent you here and why?!"

Hi arms flew out to his neck trying to breath, his eyes began to bulge out of his head, his skin turning a deathly purple.

"I-if you k-kill me D-danny won't e-ever find h-his sister, t-that's a promise!"

What in the world is he talking about?

"What do you know about her?!" Danny was in front in less than a second, there was a slight look of hope in his eyes.

I loosened my grip slightly.

"T-tell him to l-let me g-go first."

I released my grip completely dropping him to the ground. I watched him get on his hands and knees coughing and taking deep breaths. Trying to get oxygen back into his system.

His body began to shake his head was down still trying to breath. I frowned in confusion. I swear if he shifts I'll kill him!

A chuckle escaped his mouth. He was laughing! I almost killed this lowlife and now he's laughing!

"You don't remember me do you?"

What in the world is he talking about?

"Its funny really, how you say you've been looking for your sister while she's been right under your nose the entire time."

He turned his head making eye contact with Danny a smirk clear on his face. Danny wasted no time picking him up by the collar of his shirt, his feet dangling above the dirt ground.


The mans smile grew even more if that was even possible.

"I remember the day perfectly like it was yesterday, when I took your sister from you the look on your face was priceless, you know what was even better than that? When I ordered my men to beat you senseless, of course they failed. They were suppose to kill you, one less pain in the ass. But that didn't happen your tougher than i thought kid but what's even more surprising is how close you've been to your sister and yet you can't find her. Want to know what's even better? The longer it takes for you to find your sister the more she suffers everyday."

Danny snapped his neck in half his eyes a pitch black. Well there goes getting any information from him.

The rogues quickly scattered and began attacking my pack members in rage. More seemed to appear out of the forest coming from who knows where.

"All pack members need to report immediately a war has broken out!" I mindlinked everyone in the pack

"Were going to need everyone's help or who knows if we'll survive!"

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