Tempted~Chapter 18.

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Picture of Josh to the side

Josh's P.O.V.

I awoke startled by a deep growl filling the quiet room. My eyes shot open to find Ryder near the entrance, the only thing he had on were a pair of ripped shorts and he was covered in dirt his hair wild and his eyes  glowing with rage. His claws are extended looking directly at me.

I frown in confusion, I know were not his favorite people in the world but why just me?

I averted my eyes when I felt someone squirm in my arms. I looked down to find no other than the little healer, somehow she had ended up in my lap curled up in my arms.

She looked adorable sleeping I wasn't going to lie, ever since i first met her i knew she was something else. The way she responded towards my actions proved that, I know shes Ryder's mate but I cant help but notice her, she is a very beautiful girl. I cant wait to find my own mate so I can hold her tight and seeing the way her eyes glow at the sight of me and only me.

A deep penetrating growl filled the room once again. I quickly snapped out of my gaze to see Ryder shaking in anger. His eyes had turned the blackest shade of black possible, his breathing could be heard across the room heavy and loud.

He didn't waste a second after his eyes turned dark, he attacked. He lunged forward coming right at me, I should have be afraid he was after all a very powerful alpha. Yet, I couldn't seem to make myself feel any kind of emotion. I almost died, I was beaten everyday, I was bruised and burned with silver, I watched them torture my brother. My baby brother the one who I was suppse to protect and I wasn't able to do that. I also watched as my best friend got beat and an innocent girl being hurt with nothing to do but watch.

Well now the difference is I can actually fight back. I'm not tied or chained up like an animal, I have the strength and the power to do something about it.

I waited for him to take the first hit, to tackle me down and start letting it out. At this point I think we both needed exactly that. A release.

Yet, it never came.

I watched as Ryder came running at me full speed only to get knocked down into the grown by an invisible force. He literally looked like he ran into a wall that wasnt there.

It sent him flying backwards halfway across the room. I quickly turned to Ben he seemed as clueless as I did.

What is going on?

First the healing then this!

Wait the healing came from her so that must mean...

I quickly snapped my head towards her only to find her wide awake looking more frightened than I'd ever seen her, even when we were kidnapped.

Her eyes were wide open, her hands were in fist covering her mouth. She seemed absolutely terrified. I'm guessing she's never seen her mate pissed off.

I felt a a rush of anger growing deep inside of me, this is his mate he shouldn't be scarying the crap out of her he should be by her side giving her comfort not terrifying her!

I had grown a liking to this girl I wasn't going to let anyone hurt her, especially not her own mate who was suppose to protect her!

Yet, where was he when she got kidnapped?

He wasn't by her side if we hadn't been there she could have been dead by now! I know he came through for her in the end but he should have been there in the beginng letting nothing happen to her!

I turned my attention to her 'mate' and gave him the deadliest glare. "What the hell are you doing?!" Ryder had gotten in a sitting position looking confused and pissed off.

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