Tempted~ Chapter 16.

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Ryder's P.O.V.

The most vile creature on this earth stood not even ten feet from me with a disgusting smirk on his pathetic face, his presence making me want to tear him apart. I knew Alester was behind my mate's kidnapping and I was going to make sure he paid with his life!

"Aww Ryder you've finally joined the party!" Alester sneered causing every fiber in my body to shake.

"I honestly thought you were too stupid and naive to figure it out but I guess I was mistaken, I would have thought you would have gone after my poor excuse of a son." Alester spat the word son like it was poison.

How could anybody even a disgusting creature like himself be sickened by his own son?

I shifted back into human form so I can tell him what he really was, and what he deserved to hear.

"The only poor excuse I see is you, the pathetic father who couldn't even lead a pack let alone raise a son. It's a miracle he turned out the way he did and not like his reject of a father, not that you even deserve to be called that." I spat meaning every word.

I could tell I got to him when he began to shake violently, his eyes turning a dark red with rage.

"Don't you dare question me! I led my pack with great victory, no one ever dared do anything against me and they sure as hell didn't think I was weak or pathetic! As for my son that was a lost cause, I knew that as soon as he was born! I should have just gotten rid of him when I had the chance!" Alester spat.

I couldnt wait to rip his insides out and have them splatter all over the floor!

"And as for you, don't worry about your mate I don't need her anymore plans have changed, you can take her back she wasn't worth my time anyway. Although, I have to say it was quite satisfying to hear her screams and crys for help." Alester stated with a satisfying smirk plastered on his face.

As soon as those words left his mouth my wolf had taken over giving me no time to even think.

Using my wolf strength I pushed myself off the ground and shifted into my gaint black wolf. I was on the hunt for blood, Alester's blood to be exact.

I tackled Alester, taking him by surprise.

Alester quickly composed himself and shifted into his dirty gray wolf that was about the same size as mine.

I bit into his neck my wolf going straight for the kill. My wolf tore a large amount of skin, blood oozing out.

I refrained my wolf from doing any more damage in that area, one that he wasn't at all pleased about.

"What are you doing!?! I want to see this bastard die and I want to be the one to do it! He hurt our mate!!" Xavier my wolf snapped irritated.

"I know he hurt our mate that's exactly why we can't kill him just yet! I want to make him suffer like he made our mate suffer!! Blood for blood." I reasoned growling at Alester when he tried to squirm from underneath my hold.

"You're right we must make him pay!!"

Xavier didn't waste any time, he sprung into action and took a bite out of Alester's leg taking bits and pieces of furr and flesh leaving his leg bald in some places with blood trailing down.

The disgusting taste of blood soon entered my mouth making me stop for a second, but it was quickly dismissed as the thoughts of him hurting my mate filled my mind. I growled viciously shaking my head wanting to get rid of those thoughts from my mind.

Alester yelped in pain and kicked my feet catching me off guard making me tumble into the ground. I landed on my back, Alester taking this opportunity stood hovering over me.

I was ready for any kind of pain coming my way, I would take anything for my mate. I would do anything for my Desty.

Alester advanced towards me at a lightening speed, I stood up in an upright position getting ready to attack.

I lunge at him again at the same Alester opened his mouth and sunk his teeth deep into my shoulder blade.

I yelped in both pain and surprise before quickly shaking it off and growling menacingly at him. I opened my mouth and clamped down on his left paw tearing it completely off his hand.

Alester howled in pain while blood rushed out in every direction. I stood to my fullest hight satisfied at the pain I had caused him.

I turned feeling a slight nudge on my right shoulder to see my Destiny, in her beautiful golden wolf form. Just the sight of her was enough to have my emotions in a frenzy.

I nuzzled my face into her neck and inhaled her intoxicating scent. God I've missed her so much!

Being this long away from her has made me realize I'll never be happy if she isn't by my side, that I would rather die than be living a life without her.

Desty turned her head and looked at me with those amazing hazel eyes that I can get lost in, everytime I look at them I feel like I enter a different world. A world that's pure with forest trees all around.

"Sorry to interrupt your love fest but were still tied here!"

I growled angrily in Josh's direction.

Desty turns and walks away from me making me whimper. I watch carefully as she uses her wolf strength to rip the chains apart, the silver having no impact on her whatsoever.

I frown confused and amazed at the sight before me, every wolf should have a harmful effect when it comes to silver yet, my beautiful mate doesn't seem bothered by it, not one bit.

I continue watching as she releases them one by one and each time there's no reaction. It was like if she was breaking a twig in half just by the touch.

Josh, Doughy, and Ben fall to the floor there bodies full of sweat, cuts, and bruises. There heavy breathing filling the silent room, wait silent room!

I quickly turn around only now noticing Alester nowhere in site.

"Dam it that bastard got away!" My wolf Xavier snapped angrily.

"Don't worry we'll find him in the meantime let him suffer he has one less paw now."

I shift back into human form and walk over to my mate, I gently ran my hand through her golden fur feeling the softness underneath. I sigh and turn towards Ben, I lifted him up and three him over my shoulder hissing in pain from the bite mark.

I hold in a growl and grab Doughy throwing him over my other shoulder. I grunt from the pain but ignore it wanting to get home as soon as possible. I turn to grab Josh but notice he isn't laying down anymore, I frown and turn towards Desty to find Josh on her back.

I suppressed a threatening growl, he's hurt, he's hurt, I repeat over and over in my head. I adjust the lump of potatoes on my shoulder and made my way out the door.

Thinking soon I'll be alone alone with my beautiful Destiny.

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