Tempted~ Chapter 5.

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Ryder P.O.V

"Please open the door!" I pleaded through the other side of the closed door. I knocked and knocked again hearing no noise on the other end.

I slumped onto the floor leaning my head against the door, she wasn't going to open up anytime soon. I've been knocking on this door for almost an hour!

I couldn't give up not now, Destiny had just found out we were mates everything was suppose to be perfect. We were suppose to be together and live happily ever after. I know it sounded cheesy and normally I would never think like that but now it's different. I actually had my mate everything was going to be different now, I lived and breathed for her. I wanted nothing more but to have her with me in my arms 24/7. But Alana being the bitch she was had ruined everything!

Now because of her, my mate didn't want to see me, she probably hated me right now! I needed to see her.

I needed to make things right, to tell her that I didn't want anything to do with Alana that all I wanted and needed was her and no one else. That I would do anything for her, anything to make up to her.

I stood up from the floor and made my way downstairs going through the front door ignoring my parents calling as I passed them by. I made my way around the house and stopped at the side of the house where I knew her window would be. I looked up, a smirk quickly finding  it's way unto my face.

My Destiny had left her window open, I climbed the side of the house with ease and jumped in through the open window. I looked around the room to find my mate had fallen asleep on the floor curled up. I felt like a total ass, this was suppose to be the happiest moment in both our lives but I had ruined it. I should have gotten Alana to leave me alone sooner but it never mattered until now.

I slowly walked towards her and lifted her up carrying her bridal style, I placed her on the bed then layed down behind her, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her towards me. This was my mate, she was mine. A smile made its way onto my face, I finally had someone to call my own and I was going to love her unconditionally.


Destiny P.O.V

I awoke to the bright sun shining through the open window, I felt so warm and happy this morning. Considering everything that had occurred yesterday I should have woken up like a mad woman, but this morning particularly felt like the best morning ever.

The window that I had left open was bringing in the cold fall air, I should have been shivering at this exact moment but I felt so warm and comfortable. Like I had my own personal heater.

I let out a quite yawn and stretched my hands and feet or at least I tried, I soon realized I couldn't move. I peeked over my shoulder and saw Ryder, his chocolate brown hair was disheveled making  strands of his hair stick all over the place, yet he still somehow managed to look sexier than ever. His eyes were closed but they held a frown every-time I tried to move in his arms, my eyes soon darted to his mouth. Those perfect lips of his somehow managed to drive me crazy craving the feel of them against my own.

"You know you can kiss me if you like, I don't mind." I gasped and jumped out of bed startled by his voice.

"You jerk you scared the crap out of me!" I put a hand on my chest trying stop the fast pounding of my heart. I really had thought he was asleep now he probably thinks I'm a creepy stalker who likes watching him sleep. I blushed at the thought and hung my head avoiding his gaze. I started tracing the pattern on the floor finding it the most interesting thing ever.

"Hey, hey look at me." I felt his hand find its way under my chin and gently lift my head so we were eye to eye.

It was hard to resist his gaze once I looked into his eyes they were filled with so much warm and love, that I couldn't look away. I felt like a deer caught in the headlights, the more I stared the more I wanted to be closer to
"Destiny I really am so sorry about yesterday baby, you don't know how horrible it felt to have finally found my mate and have her hate me the next second. I felt like the stupidest person in the world, I have never wanted anything more in my life but to have you right next to me always and have you happy that's my new goal for ever and always, not to hurt you but I've already screwed that up. Oh man I'm so stupid. If I could do anything, anything at all I would I mean I-." I held my hand up and covered those lips I so much craved, I ignored the tingly feeling shooting up my arm and making its way through my body and looked at Ryder straight in the eyes.

He was too sweet and caring and thoughtful, I know we had just met but it felt like we've known each other for years. The feeling I got when I was away from was so heart breaking, I just wanted to be with him all the time.

"I don't blame you for what happened, I blame it all on that slut who decided to sit on your lap and kiss you like she owned you! I mean is she really that desperate to kiss someone that's not rightfully hers, I mean I know I'm not your's or anything like that but still what she did was not right." This time it was his turn to interrupt, his big hand was over my mouth stopping me from my rambling that even I had no idea where I was going.

"I would really like it if you were mine, I know its too soon and we just met but Ive never wanted anything more in my entire life. So Destiny will you be mine?"


There it is not so happy with this chpter but its finally uploaded!!

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