Tempted~ Chapter 7.

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Destiny's P.O.V.

"So where are we going?" I asked Ryder, we have been driving for quiet a while not really sure where our destination was.

" I am taking you to formaly introduce you to the pack." Ryder replied with a smile on his face. I loved that my mate was happy, it made me feel really good inside.

"Wait I thought I already met the pack?" I replied confused. I'm sure the tons of people I already met was the pack, I mean there were literally like a hundred people in the pack a lot of faces and names to register all in one day it was so exhausting.

"You did but I want you to meet my friends, the soon to be beta, and third in command and also to introduce you as my mate." I could practically feel him glowing from beside me, he really was happy I was his mate, he didn't even mind that we were related he really was going to try for me! This caused my insides to feel like butterflies had exploded inside of me.

"What if they don't like me?" I questioned nervously, I was happy my mate cared about me but what if his friends didn't like me, would he leave me then?

"They are going to love you so don't be nervous and even if they didnt they have to respect you, you are after all soon to be Luna of the Crystal moon pack and me soon to be alpha." I looked at Ryder shock clearly showing on my face. I forgot I would be Luna, I've heard about there responsibilitys and in all honesty I have no idea how they do it!

There's so many things they must do, what if I don't end up being a good Luna will the pack hate me for it?

"Stop overthinking things you will be a great Luna they will love you just like I do." Ryder replied as if reading my thoughts, there was nothing but honesty in his voice and it made me feel better.

"Were here!" Ryder said shortly after parking into what looked like a cafe. It was a medium size decent looking cafe the outside was painted brown and green which blended in nicely together making the cafe look inviting. We made our way inside Ryder leading the way, when we neared the entrance Ryder opened the door letting me go in first.

What a gentleman!

Once inside the smell of freshly baked goods and recently made coffee greeted me, my stomach grumbled in delight. The inside was decorated to make you feel right at home, instead of chairs there were recliners and couches spread throughout the room. The room was also painted a light orange and red with a light brown added into the mix, the colors really made me think of fall in every way possible but I loved it!

There was a full wall covered by a bookcase in the back that reached all the way to the top full of different variety of books, this place was really amazing. "Do you like it?" I teared my gaze away from my surroundings to stare at Ryder who had a hopeful look on his face, I smiled and nodded enthusiastically. "I love it!" I replied honestly.

Ryder gave me his full blown charming smile that caused my heart to swell and beat rapidly inside my chest. "Good now c'mon." Ryder held on to my hand and sparks took over my whole arm and body, he led me throughout the cafe until we reached a corner. There was a group of teens and twenty year olds sitting down in couches, recliners and some even laying down on the floor. Overall they looked to be right at home.

"Hey guys." Ryder greeted causing everyone to turn quiet and look our way, I held on tighter to Ryders hand starting to feel a little uneasy.

Ryder squeezed back gently giving me a reassuring smile, "Hey man where have you been seems like we haven't seen you in ages!" Said a guy with sandy blonde hair he looked to be around my age with piercing blue eyes that reminded me so much of the ocean. Then a thought him me I don't think I ever met him before, he must have not been at the party or the bonfire.

"Sorry man I've been busy with training and police work." Ryder said while letting go of my hand and doing a man hug hand shake with the blond guy.

Police work?

"Its cool I know how many responsibilitys you got just dont forget about your duties once you become alpha." Blond guy replied joking around.

" Would never dream of it."

"So." Blond guy trailed off while looking straight at me. "who's the cutie hiding behind you?" I blushed while Ryder let out a low growl.

"Woah did I say something wrong?" he replied while holding his hands up in surrender.

"Her name is Destiny and she's mine." Ryder said possessively while holding on to my waist.

"Your mate? congrats! I was beginning to worry about you man! By the way my names Danny." Danny said with a smile that didn't quiet reach his eyes while extending his right hand out.

Why would he need to worry about Ryder for?

I made a mental note to ask Ryder why he never told me he was a cop and why did Danny mean when he said he was beginning to worry about him.

I pushed my thoughts aside and stretched my hand out accepting Danny's hand.

"Where is she!?!" A younger Danny said panic taking over his features.

There was a man sitting down in a couch while a group of thugs circled around him leaving the only entrance to be in front of him where Danny was standing not far away. The man's face was unclear, it was dark and he had a hat on leaving the only light in the room to cast shadows off of his face, but yet it was clear as day the smirk he had on his face.

"Don't worry about her she's somewhere safe...for now." The man spoke each word slowly with his ruff deep voice.

"Just let her go she had nothing to do with this! Danny all but roared anger seeping up to the surface.

"Oh but thats where your mistaken, having her around is an advantage it will make sure my life is not at risk and if anything happens to me she will be dead in seconds. The man said talking as casual as if he was talking about taking his pet to the vet, it disgusted me to no end.

Danny in hearing his last words started shaking with rage, he took a step forward wanting to rip the man to shreds but he was down in seconds. The men that were once circling the man were gone, now around Danny beating, punching, and kicking him like if he was some rag doll.

The man in the couch let out a deep laugh clearly enjoying Dannys pain. " Finish him." The man barked while he stood up and walked out the door disappearing from sight.

I gasped and quickly let go of Danny's hand, nausea and dizziness quickly overtaking my body. The last thing I saw was Danny's face contorted in pain as he dropped to his knees before blackness took over.

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