Tempted~ Chapter 8.

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Ryder P.O.V

I watched Destiny and Danny shaking hands and then felt my mate's body go stiff, with my arms still around her waist. I frowned not sure what was going on, my Destiny was starring at Danny with an unreadable expression, her eyes had turned a lighter shade while Danny's face was mixed with shock and a little bit of pain.

I watched them for a while not sure how to react or what the hell was really going on! But as soon as it came it was gone. Danny was down in seconds, dropping to his knees with pain clearly showing on his face. I didn't understand Danny was fine seconds ago, but now he was acting like if someone had literally socked him in the stomach.

I was so concentrated on finding out what was wrong with Danny, I almost didn't have time to catch my mate as she fell to the floor. The only difference being she didn't look like she was in pain, my mate was fully passed out in my arms.

I held her tightly, bringing her small fragile body closer to my chest. My wolf was in pain, not liking to see his mate hurt or possibly injured. What made it even more painful was the fact I wasn't able to protect her, in fact I had no idea what had actually happened to either my mate or Danny!

Everything was fine just seconds ago, but after they shook hands it was like they both shared the same pain which caused my beautiful mate to pass out and which also left Danny in pain.

Im not trying to be rude, but I'm glad it was Danny that recieved the pain. I would have gone insane if it was the other way around and Destiny was the one that was in pain.

I gently lifted my mate up, caring her bridal style towards the couch that was against the wall. Instead of laying her down like I should have done, I sat down on the couch with my mate still in my arms. I ignored everyone else in the room just focusing sullenly on my mate, Danny is a strong person, he should be considering he's my beta. I'm sure he'll be fine without my help, my mate was the one and only thing I was worried about.

I mind linked our pack doctor Ally telling her to come as quick as possible to the cafe downtown. Now all that I could do was wait and pray that my Destiny would he okay, she had to be okay.

Not more than five minutes had passed before Ally showed up, she quickly made her way over and started inspecting my Destiny. Ten minutes later and I was starring at a confusing looking Ally, something was definitely wrong.

"I-I can't seem to find anything wrong with her?" Ally spoke with utter confusion in her voice. She looked back and forth from Danny to Destiny, as if trying to find a missing piece to a puzzle. "Niether of them, there both perfectly fine and healthy, I don't understand how they both managed to pass out after just a shake of a handshake."

Her answer was not what I was expecting, I know I was probably relying on her to find what I was looking for but she is the pack doctor she should know at least something!

"What do you mean you don't know?!?" I all but growled.

"I-I'm sorry alpha I really don't know what happened, whatever did happen it must have not affected there health whatsoever, it must have been something more powerful. Something maybe the elders would know about."

Ally spoke with such confidence, that maybe she really was on to something. Maybe this really was something the elders would know about, but now it would be two things I needed there help with, just great.

I drove back home with a still unconscious Destiny in the passenger seat, I was trusting Ally that my mates health was fine but yet I couldn't shake off the uneasiness I felt seeing my Destiny still passed out.

Danny P.O.V

Something was wrong, definitely wrong. After shaking hands with Ryder's mate there was this strange pulse that radiated from her and into me, I couldn't even explain how strange and surreal it felt. Then out of nowhere I was seeing my younger self like a blast to the past, but the image that came on was one i'd rather forget. It was a time when I had crossed paths with a strong rogue leader, I thought he would have been able to give me what I wanted but was I way off.

The only thing he ended up doing was screwing my life over, he ended up tricking me and taking away my younger sister, she was only a few years old still to Innocent to understand any of this. Of course to him it didn't matter he used her as a leverage and once he got what he wanted he left without a trace, yet he took something that will never be relplaced . My sister.

It's been years since that bastard took her away, and still we have no clues not even a hint as to where he could have possibly taken her. I just don't understand how someone can just disappear out of thin air like he doesn't even exist anymore!

Both my parents were devasted hearing that there only little girl was taken away never to be heard from again, yet they never lost hope they still believe one day we will be reunited with her and we will all be a family again.

I had no idea how or why I revisited that terrible time in my life or why I felt the same pain, but Destiny she seemed to have passed out right after for some strange unknown reason. Maybe it had taken the energy out of her? Or maybe she felt the same pain I did and her small body couldnt handle it and she just blacked out?

So many questions forming in my head making me feel even more confused and frustrated! Why did this all start? But more importantly why Destiny?

Why Ryder's mate?

How did she fit into all of this?

Wait her eyes, this couldnt be...

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