Tempted~Chapter 24.

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Picture of Jane to the side. ➡⬆

Destiny's P.O.V.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast, classes were normal and nothing else happened. By the end of the day, well last period for everyone else. Shane, Jane and I were waiting patiently at the front of the school for Ryder to show up.

Well at least Jane and I were, shane kept jumping up and down in excitement. After I explained to him that I had a big family and he might see a lot of people over, he couldn't wait to get a glimpse of all the male's in the house!

Ryder pulled up shortly after, he stepped out of the car and came straight towards me, I was spun around in his arms and pecked all over. I laughed and lightly pushed him away.

"Aww you two just look absolute adorbs together!"

I looked down in embarrassment. Way to go shane!

"My name is Shane its an honor to meet you!"

"Ryder." He nodded his head and stuck out his hand but of course Shane being Shane had something else in mind.

Shane completely ignored his hand and went in for a bear hug. I couldn't help it I began to laugh, seeing an uncomfortable Ryder with his hands out having no clue where to put them and a very happy Shane.

Even Jane was laughing!

After an interesting car ride we finally made it home where Ryder quickly excused himself and disappeared through the front door. I turned to shane and Jane to find them gawking.


"What do you mean what? You live in this? You call this a house?! This is like a palace compared to my shabby little home!"

I rolled my eyes, "Okay let's go inside shall we?"

We made it through the front door and to the kitchen where we would be working, the kitchen had a long table where we could work on plus it was also filled with food!

"Okay so while you guys figure out if were making a book or poster I'll get the snacks ready, anything you guys want?"

"Hmm...do you have some macaron's I've really been craving those...oh my god I think I'm pregnant!" Shane covered his mouth eyes going wide.

I sighed rolling my eyes, "Shane your a guy!"

Immediately a frown appeared on Shane's face, "don't remind me, but on the bright side I turned out to be a pretty darn amazing incredibly smoking hot guy!"

Only you shane, only you..

I started taking out the ingredients I needed to make the macarons, halfway into making them I paused right in front of the fridge. There was something on the fridge, it was on a bright red heart shaped paper with a pink heart right in the middle. I frowned how in the world had I not seen it before?

I reached for it slowly removing the magnet that was holding it in place. The pink heart raised slightly as soon as the magnet was removed. It opened to reveal a note...


Since the first day I met you I knew you were the one, the one who had my heart, the one who could brighten my day at any moment no matter the circumstances, the one who could get so angry she turns red and stomps her foot but yet look so adorable while doing so, the one who's laugh is the most wonderful sound in this world, the one who eats without a care in the world and still manages to look as beautiful as ever.

But most importantly the special one who I wouldn't be able to live without, I would be a mess if I didn't have you, your everything I ever dreamed you'd be...wait that's a lie!

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