Tempted~ Chapter 15.

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Ryder P.O.V.

I felt like someone had literally just ripped my heart right out of my chest, my breathing was coming out short and labored. I didn't know how I was suppose to recover from this I needed her, I needed her next to me always.

This is all my fault! If it wasn't fo-

I stopped halfway through my self pity when I felt a sudden spark inside me. Something I've never felt before, it was strange but in a way it gave me a sense of pride. It was a feeling that was so hard to describe like a mix between finding something you absolutely adored with having a clear and fresh mind. It felt weird in a way, but beautiful at the same time and I felt hope rise inside of me.

Desty was somewhere near I could feel it and I was going to find her!

I quickly jumped up to my feet and without a word left running out of the Dark Shadow pack house. I shifted and ran and ran, in all honesty having no clue to where I was exactly going. Something inside of me was leading the way and I was in no condition to disobey.

I continued running even after I passed the packs territory, the feeling inside me growing stronger and stronger. I came upon a clearing, filled with many different flowers, shrubs, and trees. I looked all around me trying to find a clue as to why I was here? What could have possibly brought me here?

I sniffed the air around me hoping to catch a different scent that didn't belong out here, a scent that will maybe help me find my mate. What felt like an eternity but was maybe more or less than a minute gone by, I caught a scent, it smelled of cheap cologne and dirt.

I followed the disgusting scent until it led me to a bush surrounded by trees and flowers. I frowned in confusion but began to pull the leaves and flowers away with my teeth and paws. I didn't have time to waste, I needed to find my mate no matter the cost!

I pulled and pulled ignoring the thorns that would get stuck on my mouth and prick my nose, until I found a small latch that looked like a handle. I quickly shifted and yanked it open breaking the hinges of the side.

I shifted into my giant black wolf once again and lunged into the room. The sight before me had me paralyzed and rooted to the floor. The room looked like a basement with absolutely no windows and chains attached to a wall, and to the chains were attached Josh, Dougy, and Ben.

They looked like absolute shit, with blood running down almost every part of there body. They had scars on their faces and open wounds on there legs or torso, bruises also covered their legs, arms, and face. In conclusion they looked like they've been through hell and back!

Yet apart from seeing there battered selves that wasn't what made my body freeze and go into complete shock. What had me shaken to my core was a golden white wolf with piercing hazel eyes that once looking upon them melted my soul.

The wolf was breathe taking and looked bigger than the average werewolf. Yet my wolf still hovered over the golden white wolf being an alpha makes me the strongest and have the biggest build.

My head quickly snapped away from the beauty when out of the corner of my eye I saw movement.


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