Tempted~ Chapter 4.

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Ryder P.O.V

After Alana had pulled of that little stunt of hers I was furious, no wait I was beyond furious.

What the hell was wrong with her doing that in front of my mate, how dare she! All I wanted to do was yell at her and go after my mate, but she had disappeared right after she saw what Alana had done, and I had no clue as to where she had gone.

That wasn't what had stopped me, no I could have easily followed her scent and found her but Alana kept me back. Alana tried to get me to make out with her after I had specifically told her I wanted nothing to do with her!

Why can't she get it through her thick skull that I wanted nothing to do with her! I was tired of this, I was tired of all the same bullshit she tried to pull.

I wouldn't of given a damn in the past but now it's different, I had found my mate and I wasn't losing her for some slut like Alana!

"Alana why can't you fucking understand that I don't want anything to do with you!" I was standing right in front of her face my hands were clenched into fists by my side's trying to hold back the anger she deserved, I was tired of her shit I know, but I also still had to remember she was a girl and I couldn't exactly beat the crap out of her even if I so wanted to.

"But babe what me and you have is special can't you feel it." Alana's hands roamed up and down my chest before I slapped her hands away, I wanted to feel no ones touch but my mates.

"Alana there is nothing between us and there never will be so leave me the fuck alone!" I roughly ran my hands through my hair frustrated, how can I possibly make this more clear than I already was!

"But baby I know we can make this work just give me a try I promise you, you won't regret it." she bit her lip trying to look sexy but she looked the opposite of sexy to me, she looked like a desperate whore just waiting to jump on anything that moved.

"I'm done with this shit Alana, I'm serious I don't want anything to do with you now get it through your head nothing will ever happen between us do you understand." I watched Alana bowe her head slightly, I hated using my alpha tone but she was giving me no other choice. Alana needed to understand to respect me, her soon to be alpha.


"BECAUSE I FOUND MY MATE!" We both froze, I was glad it was finally out, I just didn't mean it to come out this way. Having this type of conversation and especially not with the girl that has been trying to get me to sleep with her for years.

"W-what?" Alanas eyes were wide, tears were streaming down her face. "T-that's not true I-I'm your mate whoever she is she's a fucking imposter!" Alana screamed.

"My mate is no fucking imposter your the only imposter here, but now that I found my mate and she's here with me you have no choice but to stay away, now you know I'm not your mate so you can leave me alone for good."

" Ha you think just because you supposedly found your mate that I'm going to give up that easily, well think again this only makes me want you even more so you better warn that mate of yours that she has competition." Alana smirked whipping away the tears while walking away with a satisfied grin.

"How the hell did I get stuck with her!" I groaned in frustration.


Destiny p.o.v.

How can I be so stupid to believe that a guy as good looking as my cousin was going to have no girls after him, I mean he looks like a fucking male model so of course he's going to have girls swooning all over him.

I shouldn't have been so stupid, why did I agree to being with him? I know I don't know much about mates just the legend my grandparents had told me years ago and I somehow miraculously remembered it but that's it, I don't know if mates still cheat on each other or if they even stay together the rest of there lives. So how do I know Ryder will stay faithful?

So many questions were going through my head and I had no answer to any of them.

I sighed and made my way back into the house I passed by my mom and dad who were discussing something with my brother Scott, he seemed really stressed but I had no mind for anything other than my mate even though he had just told me we were mates. I had felt something the first time I saw him and seeing him with that slut made me jealous even though I hated to admit it.

How could I just feel jealous for someone I just met and seeing how the circumstances were he was my cousin for goodness sakes how could I just be with someone who's related to me?

This has to be against some wolf law hasn't it? How is this even possible? why do I keep coming up with questions I have no answers to I feel so frustrated!

I ran up the stairs ignoring my mother calling my name, I ran until I was in the room I was going to be staying in. I closed the door and leaned against it, I just wanted to have some time alone to myself to be able to think clearly about everything!

But of course with my luck that didn't happen, I sighed and closed my eyes ignoring the knocking on the other side of the door " Honey its me are you okay?" Dads gentle voice came through the other side of the door. I opened my eyes and looked up at the ceiling staring at the white clouds.

"Dad, I'm fine I just need to be alone." I closed my eyes tight hating myself for stuttering of course he knew I wasn't fine.

"Okay but we need to talk its important, I also just want you to know that I'll always be here and that you'll always be my little girl no matter what, I love you sweetie." I waited until I couldn't hear his steps anymore before getting away from the door and collapsing on the bed.

Of course I loved my dad back I mean he was my dad but right now I just couldn't think of anything else but my mate. I hated that slut so much for throwing herself at him and I hated him for not doing anything about it!

I layed sprawled on the bed feeling, I don't know what I was feeling, angry, upset, confused, so many emotions were running through me and I didn't know what to do.

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