Tempted~Chapter 37.

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Destiny's P.O.V.

I steadily held my hands over the wound It was deep with blood oozing out of it, the bright red crimson flesh on full display. The man's eyes widened a fraction as the wound closed almost immediately before his eyes.

"H-how d-did you do that?" He questioned in disbelief.

I finished stepping away from the now healed man. "Honestly, I don't know I guess it was something I inherited from my mother."

He thanked me before running back into the battle. I looked at the scene in front of me. Wolves were everywhere snarling and biting each other, In all honesty I might have been tough in front of Ryder but I was shit scared. Wolves were literally everywhere, there huge canines on full display as they sunk inside another wolves flesh. It was like a scene from Discovery channel, where the predator hunts the prey and kills, then feast on the animal that has now became his meal. The only difference being I couldn't just turn of the T.V. and ignore the grotesque parts,and the wolves weren't killing to stay alive but for mere power.

It was pathetic and saddening at the same time.

This must have been what my parents went through, seeing all there pack members under attack. I now knew how my mom felt being able to help heal wolves letting them live, giving them another chance. It was exhausting and drained the energy out of you but the feeling of helping others was worth it.

Completely worth it.

My eyes landed on Danny who was struggling to get back on his feet, I quickly made my way over coming to his aid. I knelt down right beside him and examined him from head to toe, he had a huge gash on the side of his stomach blood was leaking out and staining his fur but the worst part was his leg. Chunks of hair was missing and blood was coming out like crazy.

"I need you to stay still okay?" Danny stopped moving making my job a whole lot easier.

I placed my hands over his leg wound first and concentrated on the task at hand. Rogues were all around making it a lot harder to concentrate. One seemed to take an interest and came lunging towards me, I quickly put my shield up causing the rogue to crash in mid air. I closed my eyes trying to ignore everything around me. Healing someone wasn't a difficult thing to do it was staying focused that made it a lot harder. Yet, healing someone while trying to keep a shield up was a hella of a lot harder.

I cannot give up now a lot of people are counting on me. I chanted to myself trying to stay awake, a lot of energy was being drained from my body but I couldn't give up, I couldn't!

I finished healing Danny and as soon as I was done I slumped on the floor taking in deep ragged breathes. I layed there looking at the cloudy gray sky, it was ironic how well the mood went so well with the weather.

"Are you okay?"

I didn't bother to look at him I just needed to breathe for second then I would be fine, back to helping others.

"Maybe you should stop for now, you seem exhausted." I shook my head.

No way I couldn't stop now many people could use my help, I needed to help others make sure their safe and well. "I can't there's people out there that need my help, I can't let them down. I won't"

I slowly stood up feeling dizzy, I can't give up now.

"Don't worry too much I called my parents they should be on there way with help, just try and take it easy take breaks as many as you need okay?" I looked into Danny's blue eyes and nodded feeling slightly better that help was on the way.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!" My attention averted to a man that seemed very familiar but I couldn't remember where I had seen him from.

He was red in the face his veins popping out from the yelling. His attention was focused on my brother and Jane...Wait Jane!?

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