Tempted ~Chapter 32.

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Destiny's P.O.V.

Ryder immediately stood up going into alpha mode. He grabbed his shirt of the ground and put it back on.

Goodbye abs!

"Baby I'm going to need you stay here whatever you do Don't. Leave. This. Room."

Ryder stared me down like if I was a child making sure I understood exactly what he was saying. Well too bad for him that did not mean I didn't want to go I wanted to be a part of this. I wanted to be there for him. For everyone.

"You can't be serious I should be out there too not just you!" I quickly stood up standing right in front of him blocking his path.

Ryder stared back with a look of determination in his eyes. "I'm not going to risk your life I want you to be safe and I will ensure you stay safe. Even if that means locking you in this room. Don't. Tempt. Me."

I shivered from the coldness in his voice. But I wasn't going to back down. "What you think you can just lock me in here like a caged animal! You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me."

Five minutes later I was locked inside the room. It took Belle, Jason, and Ryder to lock me in but they did it. Those traitors.

If I was going to be future Luna of this pack I needed to be involved as much as possible

Well being my ass.

I can't believe he locked me in a room for crying out loud!

I paced around the room angry at him for not letting me join him and the rest of the pack. The only other one who wasn't allowed to go was Tyler but that was understandable he was young and could get hurt.I was mature and older I could defend myself if need be.

Of course I didn't last long in that room I waited a couple minutes before I made my move. The room had a balcony which was the perfect escape. I got on the balcony looking down at the ground below, I would say it was about a twenty to thirty feet drop. If I could make it down without falling I would be okay if not then...

Well at least I tried.

I climbed over the small medal fence the balcony had holding on for dear life. I looked down and immediately regretted it  feeling nauseous. Leave it to me to forget how deathly afraid of heights I was!

If I make it out alive I was going to blame Ryder for all of this! If he would of just let me join in the first place this wouldn't be happening right now, would it!

I lifted my left leg up and stretched it out near the big oak tree leaning close to the house. There was a medium sized branch close by if I could get a hold of it I could get down safely. I hopped to the left looking like a lunatic who belonged in the circus with my foot stretched out while standing on the other side of a balcony. My foot managed to touch the branch but being the very unathletic person I am I got a cramp and quickly brought my leg back rubbing my poor aching leg.

I really need to join a gym.

Okay if I'm going to do this might as well do it fast! On the count of three.

One...two...three I swung my left leg up fast getting it stuck on the crevice of the branch.

I got it!

My nose started to tingle and my eyes closed as I sneezed flying backwards. I opened my eyes finding everything upside down and my head pounding from the impact. My foot was still stuck on the branch while my body dangled from the tree like a rag doll.

"Well this is just great."

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