Tempted ~ Chapter 9.

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Destiny P.O.V.

The pain I had received was excruciating, i had felt everything that Danny had felt the pain he had suffered while getting beaten by those worthless pieces of scum, the anger he had felt while seeing the disgusting man in front of him, the thoughts running through his head of what he would do if he ever got his hands on him, but worst of all the sadness he felt when his little sister was no longer with him.


That one word was the emotion that was stronger than the rest, Danny felt guilty he blamed himself for not being able to protect his little sister. Yet he didn't realize that back then he wasn't as strong as he is now or older he was just a child himself. He was stronger than he gave himself credit for, he had received a beating of a lifetime but yet he still somehow managed to get up and keep searching for his lost little sister. He was brave with a strong heart, he still is but he hasn't taken any notice.

After feeling Danny's pain and guilt i had a strong urge to help him, not just him but his parents as well. I felt like this is what i was meant to do.

Helping others.

I just wasn't exactly sure how yet, how was I meant to help others if I couldn't even seem to help myself.

I felt weak and useless, pathetic I know.

But I also felt determined, i was going to help Danny and I wasn't giving up until he had his sister by his side and they were one big happy family again!

"Oh my, what on earth happened?!?" My moms panicked voice came from somewhere around me.

"I don't really know she was fine one second then the next shes shaking hands with Danny and she faints and Danny is left in pain and then he passes out too! I just don't know whats going on or if shes okay and its killing me!" Ryder says with pain in his voice.

"Don't worry son I'm sure shes fine." Ryder's dad tried to reassure.

"Oh no, I didn't think it would be so soon!" My moms voice is filled with guilt, what is she talking about?

"You didn't think what would be so soon?!?" I found myself asking causing ever pair of eyes to land on me.

Ryders hands quickly snaked there way around my waist pulling me close to his chest hard abs. "I'm glad your awake beautiful." he whispered in my ear placing a light kiss on my neck causing goosebumps to appear and making me shiver.

I gave him a small smile in return and shook away all the dirty thoughts running through my mind, I needed to stay focused even if at the moment all i wanted to do was rip off my mates clothes.

"Mom answer the question, you didnt think what would be so soon?" I repeated getting a little imaptient with her at the moment.

"Honey theres something your father and I need to tell you." She said with tears in her eyes.

I looked at both of my parents telling them to continue, whatever it was they needed to tell me I had a bad feeling it wasnt going to be good.

"Years ago there was a strong powerful alpha named Ben, he was the strongest alpha in the united states and his pack was one of the largest. He had a mate named Lyla, she was no ordinary mate she wasnt human nor werewolf she was something else. She was a magical being, on of the purist out there she was good in everway, she loved helping others with her powers.

Yet back then no one really knew what type of creature she was and no one ever got the chance to, her kind was wiped out of this universe years ago, none were left in existence. Lyla was one of the last alive and many people were after her, specificly rogues.

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