Tempted~Chapter 42.

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Destiny's P.O.V.

Its been a couple days since the incident or more likely since I saw my real parents. After that day, every time I go to bed I'm right back to the same place I was, back at the hospital, in the meadow with both my parents there.

I don't understand why and every time I question them they say the same thing, 'I will know when the time is right.'

What does that even mean?!

Why can't the just tell me?

Apart from that jumble of confusion they have actually been helping me a lot with my powers, I now have the ability to levitate. How amazing is that!

I also had some amazing news, Josh and Shane are mates! How in the world did that happen!

I have no clue but all I know is there perfect for each other or how Shane says it perf!

There such a cute couple its adorable! But if josh even thinks about hurting him I will hurt him like there's no tomorrow!

"Hey Desty can we speak to you for a second?"

I looked up to find my brother Scott, his mate Jane, Danny, and two older couple who looked a lot like Danny.

"Sure what's up?"

"We didn't get the chance to talk to you earlier on the count of all that's happened and because Ryder being Ryder refused to let us talk to you till you were fully healed and rested. But...we just want to know if its true...are you positive she's my sister?"

Danny's eyes filled with hope as well as his parents.

I sighed and turned to Jane, this wasn't going to be pretty.

"Jane can I ask you something?"

She looked unsure but nodded her head anyway.

"While you were living with that man did he ever hit you to a point where you blacked out and had multiple bruises all over your body? Even got as far as dropping you down the stairs?"

Her eyes widened a fraction while Scott growled with rage. Jane turned to my brother and began to calm him down.

After he was somewhat calm she turned around and nodded her head, "Yes, the rare days was when he didn't lay a finger on me...he said he got custody of me when my parents abondened me on his doorstep that I should be glad he even took me in, that nobody never wanted me--."

This time all three began to shake with rage, Scott, Danny, and Danny's dad.

"Please let me continue.."

All three calmed down a fraction but stayed silent.

"That I was a burden and nobody else would care or even wanted a girl like me. A lowlife a nobody. He was strict I couldn't have friends, couldn't go out, couldn't have a life...I had to be waiting for his every command. The only time I could escape was when I had school, he didn't hold back when I did something wrong...there were times I took long to heal because he never let me out in wolf form. But I still went to school everyday, how could I not. I'd rather suffer in school than stay home and continue to get beaten."

I blinked back the tears trying my hardest not to cry. She had been through so much and yet she was here standing, she's a lot tougher than I thought.

"In my vision I saw a girl with blonde hair getting beat by the same man right after I touched the picture of your sister." I looked right at Danny then turned to his parents.

"I don't have a doubt in my mind that she's not your daughter, but we have a clinic and you can take a DNA test to be sure."

His mom stepped forward looking at Jane up and down inspecting her. She stopped right in front of Jane and wrapped her in her arms tightly embracing her, "She's my daughter." She whispered in between sobs.

I watched all three have a family reunion, they all looked so happy to have her back. I laughed as soon as Danny's dad began to threaten my brother.

I smiled and walked out of the room, I walked down the hall and into Ryder's office, right after the battle Ryder became alpha. His dad gave him the title after he risked his life for the pack members and his mom gave him an earful and a good smack in the head.

Man I love that women!

I found Ryder sitting behind his desk looking as busy as ever. He was tensed looking at some papers and a map was spread out over his desk. I sighed and joined him taking a seat on his lap. He looked down at me and smiled that gorgeous smile.

"Are you alright baby girl."

I smiled and nodded, "I am now."

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