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Ryder's P.O.V

I kneeled down next to her fragile small body laying on the floor, why would she do that? it should of been me instead of her. I watched as her beautiful white dress turned into a red bloodbath, I picked her head up gently and gave her a small kiss on her forehead. "Why why would you do that?" I questioned.

"Because I love you" She replied almost in a whisper.

I felt her body go lifeless underneath my arms I couldn't help the tears that poured out of my eyes, I pulled her body towards mine and hugged her never wanting to let he go. She was gone and it was my fault I didn't protect her like I was suppose to, it was my fault it was all my fault!

"Noooooooo." I screamed

I opened my eyes and looked around the room frantically, I was in my room in my bed by myself, it was just a dream I ran my hands through my sweaty hair that was the third time this week I had a dream so horrifying. And everytime I would wake up panting and out of breathe, I just wish I knew what the dreams meant.


The song Here comes goodbye by Rascal Flatts inspired me to write this story, check out the song if you have never heard it before it's a really sad and amazing song!!

Happy reading!

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