Tempted~ Chapter 11.

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Destiny P.O.V.

My head ached, my side throbbed, and my stomach felt like it was on fire. The pain was becoming almost unbearable to handle, every little inch hurt like a thousand needles being stabbed into my abdomen. I felt the cold hard concrete before I even had the chance to open my eyes, voices could be heard somewhere near by, at first the words seemed gibberish but as my consciousness returned the voices became clearer.

"Her heart beat is becoming weaker and weaker she's only human she's not going to last much longer if we don't get her out of here!" An all too familiar voice said.

"Don't you think I know that! There's not many options available here!" Another familiar voice shot back.

I groaned and stirred from my stiff back and there non-stop bickering. I guess my movement didn't go unnoticed because as soon as I moved there bickering stopped completely. I opened my eyes and waited for them to adjust, it didn't take long before they got used to the dimly lit room. The room itself was small just four plain brick walls no door with a concrete floors and walls and a cracked ceiling where a light bulb hung, giving off the only visible light in the room.

What got my attention though was the pipes or what look liked medal steel bars that were connected to the ceiling and came down in the middle of the room. There were chains attached to the bars and attached to the chains were Josh, blue eyed, and bulky man.

They all looked terrible to say the least.

They were on there knees, sweat was coming down there faces each and every one of them had cuts with blood running down. There shirts were torn apart blood was also dripping from there body. Blue eyed and bulky man in particular looked the worst there pale faces made the cuts and blood more visible and they just looked like they were in a serious amount of pain no matter how hard they tried to hide it.

"Don't move you'll only make it wor-" Too late, I didn't realize he was talking to me until after I had made an effort to get up. An immense pain came from stomach, the feeling of being on fire or getting stung by a million bees was close to how I felt or at least how I imagined it would feel like.

My breathing came out short, sweat trickled down my forehead I closed my eyes and tried to deal with the pain. At the moment there wasn't much I could do but try to ignore the pain, maybe it wouldn't hurt as much but one could only hope.

"Just stay down and don't move we don't need you getting hurt more than you already are." I recognized Josh's voice without even having to open my eyes to confirm it was him.

After a while of not moving I grudgingly opened my eyes and looked over at the three guys, neither of them had made a single sound as if waiting for me to break into tears, they were all just starring.

"Do I have something on my face?" I know it was the stupidest question ever to ask in a situation like this and I'm sure I had plenty of things covering my face right about now, but after everything we just went through I kind of felt like someone needed to lighten up the mood, I mean after all we should be thankful were alive and not dead.

To my relief I got a reaction from the three, bulky man shook his head but his eyes seemed lighter, blue eyed just gave me a full blow smile with his pearly white teeth on display , and Josh of course gave me his famous smirk.

"You've been shot, you look like a car just ran you over you with your dirty clothes and disheveled hair, and all you seem to think about is if there's something on your face? You really are something else aren't you?" Josh replied with a shake of his head.

A smile formed on my face from his little speech but it quickly vanished like the rest of the guys when voices were heard in the distance. A trapped door in the ceiling opened giving in light from the outdoors and a ladder was pulled down, seconds later three full grown men climbed down the ladder. There faces were covered with black masks but there outfits were like anyone else's, they had simple jeans and T-shirts yet the maliciousness in their eyes proved just how inhuman they actually were.

Once they were all down from the ladder the three men starred at Josh, blue eyed, and bulky man with such hate it made me wonder if they knew each other, if this was some type of revenge or unsettled business they had going on.

The idea didn't stay with me long it just didn't add up. If the three men were after them then why would they destroy Ryder's home, how could they have possibly known they were going to be there that specific day and time.

Oh no Ryder, how long have I been out? Does he know I'm even gone?

Yeah he has to know Tyler should have called and told dad what was going on, but Tyler is he safe? Did he stay hidden?

My head swirled with so many questions that kept popping up right after another, so many that I had no answers too that I couldn't even think of answers to.

I felt so frustrated not knowing answers it bugged me to no end!

The three men shifted there eyes to look at me, the hate that had been there not even mere seconds ago was gone replaced with this glint in there eyes like they were happy to see me awake, which made my stomach turn uneasily.

"Well, well, well, look at who we have here. Seems like sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up." One of the men sneered while slowly looking me over.

An unpleasant shiver ran down my spine as the three men approached me with sly smirks on there faces. The guy who had spoken lifted me and threw me over his shoulder making me hiss in pain from my wound.

"Let her go!" Josh screamed while pulling at the handcuffs, it didn't take a genius to know the handcuffs were made of silver and with each pull he made it was causing him extreme pain.

"Why don't you leave her out of this and fight us like real men! Oh wait I forgot that's something you've never been!" Bulky man spat with venom laced in his voice.

"What did you say? You know what just for that comment I'm going to make sure we give her extra attention, if you know what I'm talking about." He let out a deep laugh and continued walking, my vision began to blur as the pain increased with every step he took.

I was positive I would black out any minute, I couldn't take the pain any longer it was becoming so freaking insufferable!

The man who had been carrying me squeezed my hips so tight I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs for him to let go, he pulled me off of his shoulder and threw me on to the concrete floor.

I let out a scream of pain, my eyes blurred as tears cascaded freely down my face.

"Aww, don't cry sweetheart the fun is just begun." He smirked while slowly approaching me.

Something shiny and metallic caught my sight. In his right hand he was holding a knife.

A freaken knife!

I screamed so loud just hoping somebody might hear me.

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